Chapter 18

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Okay, so this is a looong chapter but that's only because it has some very important events in it.

Salazar approached the blanket covered table that was sitting a few feet away from Kade. He snatched off the covering dramatically, revealing a pile of tools and weapons, all covered in blood from previous use. My stomach twisted with fear and clenched so tightly, I thought I'd throw up.

Oh. My. God.

"Let's start with why you were wandering around town the other night. My gargoyles came back and informed me of this, so please don't deny," Salazar said and picked up a small knife. His eyes were set on Kade as he talked.

"That's none of your business," Kade remarked.

Salazar laughed softly and glanced in my direction. "Don't tell me you're trying to get this girl home, Kayden. She's stuck here. There's no way you can return her to the future. Even a great wizard like Galendale can't do something that extreme," he said plainly and twirled the knife with his fingers. I was amazed at how he guessed that so easily, but Kade provided no proof that he was correct. "Well? Is that not it?" Salazar asked amused.

"I told you I wasn't going to say anything, and neither will she," Kade answered and nodded his head towards me. Afterwards, he locked his gaze with mine to ensure he was right. I nodded quickly.

"Is that so? Well since I don't want to damage her beautiful skin...,"  Salazar said and suddenly stabbed the small knife into Kade's shoulder. And oh, did he yell. His whole body clenched as he squeezed his eyes shut and panted to calm himself. I jumped and watched his eyes open and grow orange with fury. While he groaned continuously and glared at the demon, Salazar picked up a bigger knife (without taking out the other one inside of Kade) and began pacing back and forth.

"Let's move on for a minute, okay? First of all, Kayden, have you told this girl who you are? More importantly, what you are?" he asked. Confused and worried, I looked over at Kade and his bleeding shoulder.

"I'm Kayden Bradshaw, son of Erik Bradshaw and Miley Quinton. I'm the eighth descendant of the Great Warlock and inherent of the Great Power. A full bled warlock, that is all, nothing else," Kade blurted very quickly, sounding as if the sentences were burned into his memory, practiced over and over until he got it right. In his voice, I heard pain and remembrance, and especially trauma. My heart filled with sympathy, even though I wasn't sure exactly why.

"Full bled?" Salazar repeated quizzically, although he sounded amused by the words. "Are you sure about that? Everything else sounded correct, except... I don't remember your mother being a warlock. If fact, her real name wasn't even Miley Quinton. Can you believe that?" He suddenly sliced the larger knife across Kade's chest which caused him to cry out again. I watched painfully as blood oozed from the deep gash afterwards.

"You know, it's rare when a baby inherits a large amount of both supernatural DNAs. But when I heard you did... I just couldn't believe it," Salazar added as Kade continued to pant. "So go ahead Kayden, tell dear Bella here what your second inherited DNA is. Tell her who and want your mother was... 'cause she definitely wasn't a warlock."

Kade looked over at me, weak and with dead eyes. I swallowed hard as numerous confused thoughts swirled inside my head. Something was being kept secret here, and it obviously wasn't good.

"Full bled...," Kade weakly whispered and shook his head. Salazar punched him twice, once in the right jaw and once in the left, leaving two big bruises on his cheeks.

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