Chapter 32

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I fell asleep but awoke later that night. The presence hadn't gone away; in fact, it was still there... and clearer than ever.

I was pivoted over on my other side, away from the wall unlike before. I hardly bit back my gasp of surprise as I opened my eyes to a head of black hair. It was somewhat below my chin, delicately brushing the bottom of it. Arms were tightly locked around my waist, drawing me against another warm body in a solid embrace.

It was Kade, of course, but I was so confused as to why he thought it appropriate to climb into bed with me. He had his face pushed against my chest and for some reason, I had my fingers entangled in his hair. My other arm circled his neck and pulled his face closer to me, like I'd dipped into a trance when asleep and went along with the whole situation.

My gown had somehow been pulled up, just below my breasts to expose my underwear. I nearly squealed, even though Kade was asleep and had seen me without clothes before. But I fancied it even less in this situation. I wanted to snatch the gown down again but his arms were wrapped around my waist just below the end of it. I couldn't get it past him even if I tried.

He breathed peacefully, however, his breath steady and warm against my chest. Any lower and he'd reach the hands off zone. I didn't want to disturb him from his rare placidness, though, even if it cost me my own dignity. It was the most serene I'd ever seen him, almost like just having someone with him soothed his nerves. Or maybe it was just me, not to sound egotistical or conceited of course. Maybe I was the one who actually tamed the beast inside of him, relaxing him in a way no one else could.

I lowered my face into his soft hair and realized how good he smelled. I never took the time to notice it before but he carried the scent of fresh soap, like a flowery smell almost. Then there was the slight hint of cedar that, when mixed with the flowery scent, provided an exotic aroma, one that easily brought a smile to my face.

I was becoming lost in something I should've been pushing away. Kade wasn't supposed to be there next to me, and I didn't know why he was, but I was adoring every second of it. I was savoring the moment like it'd be my last good memory.

He began to stir suddenly, taking in heavier breaths as some sort a sleepy moan escaped his lips. He pushed himself closer to me, tucking his face into my neck and wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I started to blush senselessly and felt my whole body become heated and tensed. My face was slightly next to his now, my form pressed against him and his bare chest with little to no space in between.

I was panicking but I didn't know why. Just a moment ago I was enjoying the moment but things were escalating a bit too quickly for me. I couldn't do anything about it, though; I was confined in Kade's arms and I still couldn't pull my gown back down.

What possessed him to do this?

I felt his breath against my neck, warm and tingly like before. His breathing was lower now but he continued to make noises, like small groans and a few light grunts. I could feel his heartbeat against my chest, a steady thumping that seemed to sync with mine after awhile.

He was so warm... and smelled so good. I didn't want to move, I was slipping into another trance and couldn't pull myself out no matter how hard I tried. My fingers became tangled in his hair again, my arms swaddled securely around him.

The arm he had around my shoulders had its hand settled on my left shoulder. But it suddenly moved downward and took the sleeve of my gown with it, enough to reveal my bra strap and part of my chest. I gasped, now realizing how loosely fitted the gown was and tried to pull the sleeve back up, but it was trapped under Kade's hand. He showed no signs of moving it, either.

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