Chapter 31

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My eyes fluttered open, meeting bright green ones almost instantly. Maeve smiled down at me and brushed crimson hair behind her ear.

"Hey! Welcome back!" she said. I sat up sharply, realizing I was tucked in a bed, most likely at the BnB. Maeve was the only other one in the room and like me, she wore a white nightgown. I didn't recall changing or even waking up previously, leaving the conclusion I had her to thank for the new apparel.

"Where's Kade?" I asked frantically. I made my priorities clear with the question, which sent a mischievous glint into the witch's eyes.

"Calm down. My aunt tended to his bullet wound and he's asleep in the room next to this one. Odis is across the hall... knocked out like a baby. As far as I know Vivian's asleep too. Right now it's just me and you," she laughed. I was grateful that she stayed in here until I woke up, but also upset that she did. I didn't want to be the reason she suffered from sleep loss.

"There's some leftover soup that Vivian made downstairs if you want some," she added. I denied wordlessly. I was too fatigued and unfocused to eat. Something else was gnawing at my stomach but I didn't know what.

"Maeve... go get some sleep. I'll be alright," I mumbled. I still had a mini headache that, although it was dark, felt like someone was shining a bright light in my eyes.

"Stubborn... just like Kade," she groaned. She headed for the door and paused just before leaving. "That was really impressive out there. It looks to me like you're getting more familiar with those powers of yours. Soon enough, you'll be an expert." I was hushed and speechless, unable to respond to a compliment so meaningful to me. She was right, though, I felt like I was getting the hang of them every time I used them. If I wanted to properly defend myself, becoming an expert was the next best thing I could do.

Maeve left and took what remaining luster there was with her. I stared at the ceiling for the longest time, thinking about Kade and what occurred out on the street. His madness was unleashed, at least the little he had was, and it affected me drastically. The pain was almost unbearable, but how come? According to what I'd been told, I was one of the most powerful supernaturals ever to exist so how did a little madness make me feel so sick and pained? Was it because I was never exposed to it? If Kade continued to irresponsibly let it out like that, I wasn't sure how much longer I'd last, especially if I was affected with the same symptoms every time.

For some reason, I gained the sudden urge to go see him, even if he was sound asleep or restless with pain. I was shocked at my lack of hesitance as I rushed to the door and peeped out into the dark hallway. According to Maeve, everybody was asleep and I was sure she'd be passed out any second. I wasn't worried about waking Kade, but I wanted everyone else to enjoy their night's sleep. My bare feet tiptoed over the slick wood and to the next door over. My hands were a bit shaky but I turned the knob anyway and cracked open the door, squeezing into the dark room without a second thought and shutting it noiselessly.

Kade was indeed passed out, and I lost my breath when I saw him. He was shirtless, a hand on his chest and the other arm behind a pillow. His left shoulder was neatly patched with bandages, but his hair was still a mess, disheveled like usual.

I'd forgotten what I'd come for as I became captivated by the sight. He looked peaceful and almost... angelic, ironic for someone who was part demon. I snapped out of my drooling trance seconds later and edged over to his bed.

It was kind of embarrassing to be wearing a nightgown with nothing but underwear underneath. I pulled it down the best I could, though, and I settled on the side of his bed carefully.

The covers were pulled down to his hips, where the hem of his pants had slipped down to reveal a little too much skin. A blush struck my cheeks as I tried to look away and calm my pounding heart.

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