Chapter 29

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I didn't say anything, mainly because I didn't know what to say. The woman had just been broken from her loop due to a simplistic sentence, something she shouldn't have been able to hear. So how did I do it? Was it another ability of mine?

"You can see me! Oh, thank God! Please, miss, you have to help me! There's a man chasing me and he wants to kill me!" the lady desperately cried as her frantic cloudy eyes peered to her left. My mouth was still hung open in disbelief, my mind unable to process what was happening. She was unchained from her never ending circuit yet she still believed someone was after her. Just to ensure her I was convinced otherwise, I looked with her and shook my head.

"Miss... there's no one chasing you. You're already dead." The last sentence was highly unintentional and prompted me to cover my mouth instantly. I saw Kade's eyes widened behind the lady and Odis's head drop in disappointment. As the woman stared, frozen and still as a statue, my mind ran restlessly with all the next possible outcomes. What was she pondering in that dead head of hers? Was she about to go on a rampage and kill us all?

"Dead?" she breathed sadly, staring off blankly as tears stained her eyes. A sudden bright light ruptured from nowhere and blinded me, swallowing the lady immediately and literally making her fade into nothing. I searched around for her until my eyes landed on Odis for an explanation of what the heck just happened.

"She moved on to wherever her next destination was. That normally happens when you tell an unknowing ghost that they're dead," he said.

"Then why were you making a big deal about it earlier? Nothing bad happened," I mentioned.

"I said normally. It's possible for some ghosts to go into a rage mode and spread havoc across the real world and the spirit world. All I can say is you got lucky with this one."

"What about the ones who already know they're dead?" I asked.

"Usually those are the ones who are unable to move on, who have unfinished business on earth and/or conflicts they have to resolve," he answered. "But thanks to the necromancer's screw up, some are here for no reason. They can't go back because they don't know how to."

"Speaking of," Kade's deep voice whispered lowly. He awkwardly scratched his head and met my eyes, signaling for me to look to the left. There stood four people, their transparent heads peeping around the corner of the buildings at our sides. Two of them were children, one possibly in their early teens, another was a bearded man wearing some sort of fedora, and the last a young woman. Every few seconds they exchanged questioning looks as if asking each other if the four us were really there. Their eyes were just as cloudy as the lady before, lost and distant.

"Is it true? Can she see us?" one of them whispered. The voice was hard to match with a face, considering it sounded as if it were right in my ear. The four were too far away for me to see the mouth of the speaker move. My eyes were becoming transfixed on them until a hand grabbed onto the bottom of my chin and turned them away. Then I became lost in Kade's crystal blue ones.

"Look at me... not them. Don't let them know you can see them," he whispered so quietly, I almost didn't hear him. My agreement was slow and silent as we started to head in the opposite direction of the ghosts. Their murmurs remained in my ears, almost like they were following us or I was just their targeted listener. It took everything I had not to turn around to find out.

"Where are we supposed to go from here? We have no clue where that castle is and I'm sure all of us are worn out," Odis eventually said with a grunt as he shifted Maeve's weight. Someone finally brought up the obvious but no one had an answer for it. Silence and shrugging shoulders were all that followed.

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