Chapter 36

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"Are you nuts?! Summoning an angel is worse than summoning a ghost, especially when there's an unclaimed god in the room!" Maeve shouted.

Vivian was already standing up and searching her bookshelves, lacking hesitance as her speed increased. Maeve tried to stop her but she pushed her away.

"You wanted my help... this is me helping you," her aunt said excitedly. Just a minute ago she looked terrified out of her mind but now she was jittery as hell.

"You know that cage spell that almost every witch uses during a dangerous summoning?" she asked her niece, pulling out a large book from her collection.

"Yes, but are you sure that'd work against an angel?" Maeve replied. By the tone of her voice, it seemed she'd lost the will to discourage the plan. It was obvious her aunt wasn't easy to convince otherwise when she got her mind set on something.

"No... not at all. But it's worth a try!" she said. Delilah even regarded her with curiosity as she moved to an empty corner of the room and began reading something from the book she pulled. No one else tried to hinder her and warn her of the risks. I didn't really know any myself but I could tell the plan wasn't very full proof, and I was the one in the greatest danger.

At the end of yet another Latin tongue, a green mist showered down from the ceiling in Vivian's corner. When it faded, nothing stood after it, but the witch held a crooked smile as she turned to us. "The cage is up," she said. I was baffled by her words, obviously because I saw nothing but a vacant corner. There was no difference in its contents, no iron bars, and no more green mist. Apparently, no one else saw it either because they all gave her the same quizzical look, aside from Maeve.

"This is stupid, Viv," she said to her. "This could probably get us all killed." It was too late for her to do any more convincing; Vivan had already removed another book and was starting to read another verse in the language that probably everyone but me understood. I kind of hid myself behind Maeve who didn't seem anywhere near as bothered as me. Her expression was coated more with annoyance than with fear, but it was still detectable in her green eyes. She took my hand in hers and made eye contact.

"She's stubborn but trustworthy," she whispered to me. I didn't even take the time to nod my head as Vivan's voice increased in volume. She was waving one hand at the corner with the invisible cage, a sedated expression set on her slightly aged face. I swallowed a lump of dread as nervous goose bumps spread across my skin and my frantic eyes watched her.

Finally, her chanting faded into silence and she glared into her mystical corner. Nothing happened for a few seconds, but then all the candles went out with an audible sound that made me jump into Maeve. The room was cast into blackness, and since the door was closed and there were no windows in the room, nothing could be seen... not even the witch that was clung to my side.

Mine was silent, but I could hear her uneven breathing as she started to shake. I trembled alongside her as my eyes searched for some source of light in the pitch black darkness. It was a time where Kade's flames would become useful, but he didn't seem to get the hint.

Everything that happened was no doubt the result of Vivan's "angel summoning spell". But if it was an angel, why were we sitting in darkness instead of gleaming light? Was I just being too stereotypical about this?

My eyes searched over and over for what felt like hours until they landed on something that startled me half to death. Amongst the blackness were two bright purple eyes, like mine, that stood out like spotlights. They literally glowed and watched me, seeming to study me even though I wasn't very visible. Whoever... or whatever they belonged to blinked slowly as they tilted their invisible head to the side.

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