Chapter 47

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This is a really long chapter but no worries, this story is coming to its end. XD
We rested a good while before moving again. Kade and I were in so much pain from our unsettling trip below. The others were respectful of it, but as late noon started to grow near, some became a little jittery and pushy.

"Lady Bella," Darwin said, approaching me cautiously. "I hate to interrupt your rest... but I think it's best if we get going. Once the sun sets, we won't have long until the demon attacks."

"He won't attack till early morning most likely," I groaned. Still, he didn't look convinced, neither did the others.

I looked to Kade who was leaning against the tree beside me. He nodded and struggled to stand on his feet. "He's right, Bella. We need to get going." And so we did, trudging along to the hill in the distance.

I fell behind a little bit and became mixed in with the crowd. I couldn't help but notice the stares I received. Some of them were fearful, others admirable. I had a feeling that it had to deal with the fact I crawled from Hell. In a way, I was proud of the way they looked at me. Respect was something I needed in order to lead this group.

The sun had already set by the time we reached the foot of the hill. Surprisingly, nothing bad had happened during that period of time, but I was already prepared for the worst. It was almost like I could feel Salazar breathing down the back of my neck.

Stars had already begun to splotch the sky as we painfully climbed. Delilah was still effortlessly leading, just as hopeful as me to see her family again. This was the moment we'd all waited for, the reason all this pain had to be endured. We'd come so far, been through so much. Heck, we almost died a few times. But it was all worth it. That belief grew stronger with every step we took up the hill. Though it was tall and I barely had the energy, I started to gradually move back to the very front. And before I knew it I was walking a couple steps ahead of Delilah.

Then, in that breathtaking moment, we were standing atop the hill, gazing down at the old, greyed castle below. It was covered in dead vegetation, mold forming on a majority of the walls, bricks crumbled in most parts, and the remains of a massive garden, well, and fountain scattered in the area out front. To any normal person, it would've been a horrific, ugly, and intimidating sight.

Not to me.

I saw a structure of beauty, a housing of my hopes and determination. A goal I'd worked so hard towards. In the midst of it all... I saw home.

I was smiling like an idiot while feeling my heartbeat quicken with excitement. "Why are we still standing here?" Kade suddenly mumbled in my ear. I met his eyes and he smiled. No one else said a thing as we began a lively walk down the mountain, me still leading the way with desperation. I nearly squealed when we reached flat land again and had to take another moment to admire the enormous structure in front of me. The others went ahead and Kade was surprisingly the last to make it down. When he landed next to me, he let out an unusual grunt and hesitated.

The smile on his face was gone.

I watched as he rested his hand on his stomach painfully. When he noticed me staring, he smiled again. "You alright?" I asked seriously.

"Yep," he chuckled, clearly lying to me. "Now come on! Let's catch up with the others!" He walked ahead of me, but I was perfectly aware of the small limp he carried. To anyone not paying attention, it wouldn't be obvious. But to me... everything about him was clear.

How much longer could he go on?

I made my way back to the crowd as we continued. We drew closer to the castle and I was barely able to keep my excitement at bay. It was a bit easier when I began to think about Kade's condition. Either he was going to make it to the end of this or he wasn't... there wasn't an in between.

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