Chapter 15

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"What do we do? You're not in any condition to run," I frantically mentioned as Kade pulled me a couple of steps back. A few screeches were now accompanying the whooshes of air, obviously caused by gargoyle wings. Kade pulled away the arm that was still covering his stomach to reveal a deep, bleeding gash. I swallowed hard as the thought of how painful it was swirled in my mind.

His face twisted in pain and he groaned, seeming to realize the same thing. I quickly removed my jacket, exposing my skin to the chilling night air, and fixed it around his waist in a hurried attempt to at least slow the bleeding. Surprisingly, he didn't resist against my help but he did pull away.

"I should be okay to run for a bit. We just have to find a safe place. Going back to the hotel will put many people's lives in danger, including Odis and Maeve. Come on." He grabbed my elbow and pulled me in the opposite direction, immediately taking a sharp turn down a narrow street. I put my full trust in him and felt that he had the capability of getting us out of this situation. Although his running was awfully fast for a guy with a gash in his stomach, it didn't stop the gargoyles from catching up.

I turned to look over my shoulder and noticed six figures gliding through the sky, enormous bat wings flapping behind them. They all seemed pretty large, nowhere near Xur's size though, and caught up to us almost immediately. Kade continued with sharp turns and pushed past unsuspecting people, who didn't seem to notice the terrifying beasts looming above them.

My feet pounded against pavement as I struggled to stay behind Kade, my heart thumping furiously in my chest. I didn't know how he had so much momentum, but I didn't take the time to question it since the gargoyles sounded like they were getting closer. I was too afraid to turn around and check.

We suddenly took a turn down a slim street that led us to a dead end, cut off by a fence which separated the town from a patch of woods. Kade jumped it easily and turned around, as if thinking I'd need help. But I followed swiftly and pushed him forward with a shaky hand.

We then sprinted into the woods, dodging branches and jumping roots as the sound of breaking limbs echoed behind us. The screeches were louder but the whooshes were gone, meaning the gargoyles had taken to running across land. What other way was there to track somebody in the woods?

Kade was still leading the way, now guiding me by pulling me by my hand. I wasn't struggling as bad to keep up since something had me thinking that we'd be safer in the woods. But when the screeches and sound of breaking wood grew louder and dangerously close, that feeling diminished. I made sure to stay as close to Kade as possible.

He was doing a good job at zig-zagging through the trees to confuse the gargoyles, at least that's what I thought when there was a moment of silence behind us. But it soon started again and my worry grew. Were we ever going to get away from them?

The sound of running water suddenly hit my ears, almost exterminating the screeches still echoing from behind. Kade jumped through a patch of bushes which led us to the bank of a long, flowing river. The water was rushing angrily down a sloping hill which I prayed didn't lead to a waterfall. I couldn't help but panic when thinking of why Kade decided to come to it, unless he did it by accident. But by the look on his face, it didn't seem like it.

When a loud screech sounded not too far from the bushes, he turned towards me and grabbed my shoulders urgently. "They're tracking our scent. We have to do it," he said nervously as if knowing I'd argue. I glanced back at the water and felt my breathing grow shaky.

"Kade, we'll die if we jump in there! Are you nuts?!" I accidentally yelled. He placed his hands on my cheeks and held my head in place.

"I'll make sure nothing happens to you. Now come on!" He grabbed my arm and leaped before I could process what was happening. I splashed into the water and immediately felt the current pulling me downstream, while also still feeling Kade's tight grip on my arm.

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