Chapter 9

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Kiki's dragons suddenly bellowed at the door as Odis nearly broke it down trying to get out. Maeve followed him and Kade was about to before he stopped to look at me.

Although his orange eyes were filled with rage, I saw them soften with concern once they met mine.

"Stay in here, in the corner," he whispered to me which I almost didn't hear over the sudden yells and bangs sounding from outside.

Without giving me any bit of reassurance, he hurried out the door with Kiki and her dragons in tow, leaving me all by myself with no type of defense.

Mom had made me take a couple of martial arts classes when I was younger but that was when I was only...thirteen, maybe? And besides, I was sure a few kicks and punches weren't going to take down whatever was outside that door.

So I decided to use Kade's method instead and huddle in the far corner of the room, pulling my knees to my chest as if thinking that would make things better.

It didn't.

But it made me feel secluded in my own world, in my own safe room. I felt a tad better knowing I wasn't the one having to go out and face whatever demonic creatures were raiding the bar.

But I also felt bad knowing I was probably the reason they were here.

Feeling my body start to shake and my skin tingle, I tucked my face in between my knees and listened in horrified silence at the screams of both "humans" and creatures.

I could hear more of the screeching and more glass was being shattered every five seconds it seemed. Tables and chairs (I presumed by the sound of breaking wood) were being broken, also, and I could faintly here Kade yelling something over all the noise.

He was angry. Angrier than before.

Nothing but pure fury.

I flinched so many times, I thought my joints would lock up or my body would break out into endless spasms.

I wanted to get out of here. I wanted to get home.

Another loud screech excelled over everything else and I could've sworn it was Xur, who I hoped was getting his ass kicked by Kade or some other powerful supernatural.

But then another, slightly different screech followed it and I automatically knew there were more gargoyles out there than I had originally thought.

I tired to cover my ears and block out the noise but of course, everyone knows that never works.

I was shaking more than before as the "human" screams became more pain-filled rather than angry and the gargoyles bellowed with what sounded like victory screeches.

My hope of staying safe suddenly diminished when the door of the conference room was ripped from its hinges and flew all the way across the room.

I let out a unintended scream when another thing, a "human", flew through the air and hit the wall after it, immediately falling to the floor in a useless heap.

It took me no time to recognize Kade's black hair and muscular form.

He groaned in pain and tried to pull himself to his feet, being splattered in more blood than before. His face was covered in bruises and gashes and also painted in the crimson-red liquid which made him look more intimidating than weak. But besides that, he looked badly damaged.

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