Chapter 24

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The girls went all out when dressing me up. They even curled the ends of my hair and pulled it back into a stylish bun to give me a look far too fancy for my own liking. That plus the light layer of makeup they applied and the all-too-showy dress made me feel out of place... most likely because I was. It wasn't me that I stared at in the mirror, not the girl who normally wore a t-shirt, jeans, and plain ol' tennis shoes. It didn't feel right wearing something that hugged my body so tightly and high heels that felt like they'd cause my ankles to snap. I hated wearing makeup; it caused the skin on my face to feel oddly...thick and heavy, if that even made sense. But even so, I couldn't help but admit that the girls did a fabulous job. I never said I didn't look stunning.

Kate sighed happily as she had me spin to get a better intake of my appearance. "You look so beautiful!" she breathed.

"The guys are gonna be all over you!" Sarah exclaimed happily, clapping her hands to release her bubbling energy. I took another doubtful look in the mirror and wrinkled my powdered nose.

"I don't want the guys all over me," I mumbled. Not to sound selfish, but I imagined it'd be pretty hard to keep the eyes of wanderers off me. The dress was just too revealing for my liking. The girls worked so hard, though... I couldn't change it now.

They flashed me sudden mischievous smiles then gave each other looks that said something was up. "Ah... you just want one guy all over you, I see," Kate said.

"It's Sir Kade, isn't it?" Sarah inputted. There was a light shade of blush on my cheeks that the girls applied but I'm sure it turned brighter just then.

"Mind your own business," I muttered childishly, earning a laugh from the two elves. Their giggles were so friendly and jolly that I couldn't help but smile at them. They were about to say something else before a knock sounded at the door. Kate was the one to answer. When she returned, there was a black masquerade mask in her hand, one that fancy people would wear to a party to cover half their face. She handed it to me with a smile and nudged her sister in the side.

"Change of plans," she said. "The feast has been changed to a party. Lord Farlen wants to invite more guests and have a celebration. This isn't unusual... but it's always enjoyable!" The girls started to cheer before I stopped them.

"A party?" I squeaked nervously.

"Yes... you know, one with food and music and dancing and friends! They're the greatest!" Sarah exclaimed. The sisters started to dance for emphasis; once again I stopped them.

"I agreed to a feast. Parties aren't really my thing." My voice came out in a tremble as I spoke. I honestly hated parties. I had a feeling the guests that were supposed to be invited weren't just normal guests, either. No doubt they were more supernaturals.

As the girls opened their mouths to speak, they were once again cut off by a knock on the door. This time I went to open it, nearly tripping in my heels. I barely avoided snatching the door open angrily, and when I did, I was glad I held back the attitude.

It was Kade again... wearing a fancy black and white suit that fit him nicely. His hair was neatly combed and not dirty or wet or ruffled angrily. He stood straight which added to his classy attire, and held an expectant look. When his eyes fully landed on me, though, they widened with disbelief. They slowly trailed my body and took in the new sight, I assumed, and with every breath he took, his lips parted slightly. The blush I had earlier started to come back instantly.

The girls were beside me right away and also noticed Kade's staring. "Isn't she gorgeous, Sir Kade?!" Sarah exclaimed. He was silent for the longest time which had me on the tips of my toes (figuratively of course) as I waited for his answer. Why was I so desperate to hear it?

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