Chapter 19

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"Okay... I'll help you," I whispered carefully. "Just stop crying." It pained my heart to see him like this, beaten and neglected with a face wet with built up tears I was sure he had been holding in for some time now. He still wasn't himself, or so it seemed from how he was acting. But I was willing to make a commitment, probably because I was such a forgiving and gullible person.

This would all be over when I returned home, anyway.

Kade once again tightened his arms around my waist and moved his face to the crook of my neck, hugging me as if it would save his life. I reluctantly slipped my arms around his neck and hugged him back. He wasn't warm anymore, at least not like he was before. But I found comfort in his arms anyway.

"Are you sure you're not an angel?" he whispered almost too quietly for me to hear. I was grateful for his voice returning to normal and managed to crack a smile.

"I think we're safe," I answered. He pulled away and studied my eyes with so much curiosity and gentleness that I had to look away before becoming too flushed.

"Are you okay? I know how Salazar can get when it comes to-" he began to say.

"No! N-no... I'm fine," I stammered, not wanting to bring up that subject again. "I think I'm done getting perversely seduced by men who think I'm open for their touches and kisses anytime they want." I shivered at the thought of Salazar and Trent and what they did to me. I wanted to throw up just thinking about it.

"I hope that's over with too. I don't think I'd be able to handle any more guys touching you," Kade suddenly said with his eyes widening slightly as he studied me. His tone was distant, almost as if he didn't mean to say that out loud. But he didn't seem at all worried by my reaction as I stared surprised and blushing.

"K-Kade?" I stuttered. He blinked and for a split second his eyes went black. But they were gone when he blinked again, back to his usual crystal blue. "Are you okay? You look awful," I quickly added, trying to ignore it as I looked down at the gashes and cuts on his chest. His face, bruised and almost to the point of being swollen, wasn't nearly as bad.

He looked down as if noticing his injuries for the first time and merely shrugged. "I tend to heal faster than an average human. I should be alright, with your help of course," he said smiling. I realized he still had his arms around me, which was probably helping him remain standing.

"My help," I repeated quietly to myself for some reason.

"Yeah, I meant as moral support," Kade replied and suddenly slipped an arm under my knees, lifting me up bridal style with an almost effortless attempt. Startled by the sudden action, I clanged to him and stared down at the bloodied floor, wondering why he was carrying me. "Turn your body inwards so if we run into anybody, they won't see you like this," he explained and help me shift so my front side was turned more towards his chest. It was a smart idea, but it meant I was stuck closer to him. He seemed to noticed this also and looked down, wide eyed again. He blinked, eyes turning black, then a couple of more blinks and they were back to normal. I wish he'd stop doing that, even if he couldn't control it.

He opened his mouth to say something but the words never came out; he just stood there staring down at me for the longest time and I staring back at him caused the situation to grow awkwardly silent. "Let's go find Odis and Maeve," I eventually said and smiled gently. He smiled back, a very childish smile I must say, and effortlessly walked towards the door. When he somehow managed to open it, the outside had changed.

It was pitch black, so black that I wouldn't be able to see my own hand in front of my face. The squeak of the door opening sent a louder and longer echo than before, and the door seemed to open to the opposite side from where it was originally. Kade noticed this and stopped abruptly.

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