Chapter 5

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"Ma'am? Ma'am!"

I don't know what woke me up, someone calling to me or the pain surging through my bones.

But whatever it was, I jerked awake and gasped for air, grateful that I was able to breathe again. My muscles were sore but it wasn't as bad as it had been before I passed out and I could see clearly again. Well... at least after I focused my vision on the face staring down at me.

I suddenly jumped and scooted away on my elbows, frightened even though the face was actually quite handsome.

My back hit a wall but I was too weak to stand to my feet so I just stared at the boy in front of me.

He was young, not much older than me, and stared back with concerned eyes. His hair, jet black and slightly messy as if he had been running his fingers through it, hung freely just above his eyebrows and went perfect with his eye color, crystal blue.

He looked like any school girl's dream boy. The only thing that threw me off was what he was wearing.

A white button-up collar shirt, black dress pants, and some old timey black shoes. Oxfords maybe?

He didn't seem dressed for a special occasion but instead, just for a casual day. Or maybe for some type of history project.

I took a quick glance at my surroundings and noticed we were in some kind of alley way. It was dark out and I could see the faint glow of a street lamp just around the corner.

But something was off.

Everything looked so... old. Like... "back in the day" old.

I could make out the sign of a market not too far away that looked like something you'd see bought on Pawn Stars, with its old looking font and make.

I saw no cars, nor heard any.

The shops I could see had no lights, no everyday clothes in the windows, no... modern anything.

Where was I? Some kind of Amish town?

No city lights were gleaming anywhere and the street lamp looked quite... old, too.

I looked back at the boy and squinted with confusion, wondering how I even ended up here. We both stared questioningly in silence at one another, as if waiting for the other to speak.

Thankfully, he did.

"Ma'am... are you okay? What happened to you?" he asked, holding his hands out reassuringly. His voice sounded as masculine as he looked. Manly, yet boyish at the same time. It was hard not to notice how his shirt fit him perfectly, showing off the fact that he probably worked out.

"Where am I?" I asked, ignoring his question and looking around again.

The boy hesitated before answering, as if wondering if I'd lost my mind. "Boston...," he said, "Massachusetts."

The air in my lungs caught again as I looked around frantically.

This couldn't be Boston. I've never heard of an Amish town in Boston.

"Ma'am, are you okay?" he chanced again, seeming strangely concerned about my well being. I was still looking around when sudden realization hit me.

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