Chapter 50

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Salazar, more like mutant Salazar, took a swing at Kade. He must've hit harder than expected because Kade stumbled back when his forearm was struck. It didn't take him long to recover and sturdy himself. He rushed at the demon, fists aflame and swinging furiously. Salazar had gained in height and easily defended himself against the attacks. It wasn't as if he did it effortlessly, though. Kade could really pack a punch.

The rest of us watched the fight intently, careful to keep our distance. It was a balanced fight it seemed, but since it had been so long since Kade was at full strength and had full control of his power, he was having trouble adjusting at first.

"He can handle it," Odis told me, obviously noticing my concern. "He fought with Salazar quite a few times before you came along. And he's fought scarier things... you have nothing to worry about." That made me feel a little better but I still didn't like the looks of it. He was struggling too much for my liking and I wished there was something I could do.

In an instant, my attention was altered as I was tackled to the ground. I didn't know what it was at first until a set of jaws snapped around my arm. My throat grew sore from screaming when teeth ripped into my flesh and tore through muscle into bone. Xur... he was trying to eat me. How did I forget he was there?! How was I so distracted?!

I could somehow hear Odis and Maeve fighting against other gargoyles over my piercing cries. Clearly, I wasn't the only one bombarded by a sudden attack.

I couldn't keep my eyes off of the ripped flesh and blood pouring from my arm. My feet kicked up dirt like a child having a tantrum and my other hand couldn't decide whether to touch the wound or not. Xur wasn't on top of me but any closer and he would've been. With my tattered arm attracting more and more weakness every second, I made a sad attempt to crawl away from the beast. The bone in my arm peeked through the shredded flesh and muscle and I could almost feel the vomit working it's way up my throat. My arm was obviously bleeding profusely, so the blood loss was slowing the speed at which I tried to escape. Xur's hand wrapped around my ankle, claws digging into my leg as he dragged me through the dirt. I cried out weakly and kicked him... no success.

"I had a burning hatred for you ever since the first time I laid eyes on you. I've finally got my hands on you... on your flesh. And I must say you taste better than I thought." His eyes were shining brightly as he spoke. My blood was dripping from his chapped lips and edgy teeth, easy to see when he smiled.

Maeve suddenly fell next to me. Her face was bloody and beaten but her eyes were vibrant. I noticed wolf-Odis fighting off two gargoyles, one of which must've gotten the best of our dear witch. He knocked them clean off their feet and tackled Xur, wrestling with him dangerously close to Kade's flames.

Maeve groaned in agony and shifted weakly. Based on the way she tried to keep her eyes locked on mine, there was obviously something she wanted to tell me. Then, in the lowest, trembly voice she could possibly manage, she whispered, "I humbly request deliverance of thy's power, of thy's control over the gates of Hell, over thy's ruling of all things evil and damned. Bestow upon me your greatness, for the gods guard my soul and wish to do no harm."

I stared profoundly at her, a bit disturbed by what she was chanting, especially when she began reciting it over an over. Her shaking hand touched two fingers to my forehead and her eyes widened with expectation. The volume of her voice became quieter with each word, meaning she was losing consciousness. She kept tapping my head though, endlessly saying those words until she could go on no longer. "Xur" was the last thing she managed to get out, only adding to my bafflement and worry. What was she trying to tell me? I started panicking when she finally collapsed and fell silent. Thankfully, I could still see her breathing so I let her rest, but her mysterious message swarmed my head. I didn't have the energy for this, for calculating some plan I wasn't aware of. I was growing weaker by the second and could only watch Odis and Xur continue their equally matched battle.

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