Chapter 30

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Again we walked in silence, something that was obviously not unusual for our group. It was just one of those times where there was nothing to be said or no one knew what to say. It never really bothered me, though. During those times I was allowed to gather my thoughts properly without any disturbance.

It was like that for awhile until I felt a raindrop land on my nose. I brushed the few that followed it away, then more came at a hurried speed as it started to pour. I groaned softly as thunder and lightning ultimately joined the party, conveying light and rumbling across the dark and quiet streets. Everyone else was probably smart enough to go inside or at least find shelter. Although none of us were thrilled about the sudden storm, we had a very important destination ahead of us and couldn't risk the wait. Kade and Odis, however, did allow me and Maeve to use their jackets to cover our heads, even though we were already soaked.

Maeve was our guide to the BnB, saying she'd been there only a few times but could remember her way there. We'd have to cross a small, trivial bridge into the other part of town, which we came across not too long after she informed us about it. It was indeed small, only the length of two average sized cars put together. Nothing very intricate and nothing out of the ordinary. I was convinced we'd actually get somewhere without delay until some guy rose out of the shadows of a nearby building, smoking a cigar and taking shelter under a sunshade. He was wearing a black fedora and suspenders, a pretty mediocre appearance for this time period.

He put out his cigar and stepped out into the rain to prevent us from crossing the bridge, even holding his arms up as if thinking we'd defy him. Kade and Odis were already glaring at him skeptically. "What do you think you're doing?" he asked. All of a sudden three more guys stepped out from the shadows and stood behind him like bodyguards, cold and grim looks on their faces.

"We just want to cross the bridge. No trouble is needed," Kade said warily, obviously sensing the hostility the men carried.

"Trouble? Oh, there'll be no trouble... as long as you pay up," the guy answered. He placed his hand on his hip, a subtle action that actually caught my eye. My breath hitched when I saw a small revolver peeping out of the side of his suspenders.

"Pay up? For what?" Odis growled. His growl, though, was animalistic and Kade was already snarling. Their hostility was gradually building but I was in no mood for a fight, especially in a storm that seemed to be growing stronger.

"You want passage into the other part of town, right? And you want to cross my bridge to get there? Then you need to pay up. Two dollars... each," the guy said.

"Two dollars?! To cross a little bridge? You've got to be kidding me!" Kade blurted in disbelief. At first, I didn't see the problem with the price, then I remembered how money was different during this time.

"Hold on, I came here not too long ago and there was no fee for crossing this bridge," Maeve butted in bitterly.

"Then I guess that means you owe me four dollars," the guy said. "No one crosses this bridge for free. If you have a problem with that then you can speak to my father... who happens to be the sheriff." I could see why he was getting away with such a ridiculous scam. If it weren't for his father, he'd probably be in jail and we'd be across the bridge by now.

"Forget it. I'm not paying that," Kade snapped. We didn't even have money on us, anyway, so arguing was kind of futile at this point. Kade and Odis started leading the way across the bridge until the guy's backup stepped in front of them and lashed out at them with knives that had obviously been hidden until now. When they turned around, the guy had removed his revolver and was aiming it at Kade. Things were moving fast, way too fast for my own liking.

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