Chapter 28

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Salazar disappeared in an instant, just as Xur took flight over an arch on the castle. Without command, Rahul went after him and I feared for the castle's safety at that point. The dragon meant no harm to us but there's no telling what kind of damage he would do without meaning to. His size wasn't his best quality at the moment.

"Guys! Over here!" Odis called out. Kade and I turned our heads that way, finding him leaning over Maeve's motionless body with a troubled look. I settled next to him and checked the witch's pulse.

"She's still breathing," I assured quietly. Kade combed a hand through his hair and squeezed his eyes shut with guilt.

"God... guys, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen-" he began to say before someone cut him off.

"Stop apologizing... we know you didn't mean to." It was Maeve and she seemed to be slowly recovering herself. Her eyes fluttered open just as Odis helped her sit up. "Plus there's more important things to worry about." She tried to stand but by her trembling and the sound of her raspy voice, it was clear her strength wasn't fully restored.

A sudden gargoyle screech came from inside and made my skin crawl. More followed it and then people started yelling.

"This is my fault," I whispered. "I'm the one Salazar wants. He's doing this because I turned him down." My guilty eyes locked with Kade's as he shook his head.

"It's not your fault. It's not like you could've said yes to the guy! His ways of manipulation are always this dirty, trust me," he assured. He tried to sound convincing but I was nowhere near that point. I couldn't shake the thought of being the reason people may die tonight. The chaos beginning to break out was all because I was being stubborn. However, my inflexibility for these situations was what was saving my ass the most.

Warm hands suddenly met my cheeks and pulled my gaze up. "Stop, Bella. Stop thinking this is all your fault because it's not. If you keep letting your guard down like that, the vulnerability you offer will allow the madness to consume you," Kade pressed. "Although you only have half, you have no experience with it like I do. Focus." I was unable to do as he asked and could only stare, losing concentration with every passing second. It was like my subconscious wouldn't even allow me to refocus and proceeded to drift. Was this the madness taking over?

I snapped out of my stupor once the doors of the balcony burst open again. Surprisingly, it was Lord Farlen... and he did not look happy. It didn't seem he was angry with us, more like highly worried and relieved to see us all okay. "You guys?! What are you still doing here?! You need to be on your way!" he yelled.

Kade stepped forward and emphasized his surprise by pointing inside towards the commotion. All I could see were angry gargoyles and supernaturals facing each other head on. There were screeches and yells and the occasional chant of a spell. Things were aflame and smoke crowded the room as an angry, thick cloud.

"Your castle! We have to help in this fight!" Kade said with urgency.

"You may be the reason they're here, but you're not to blame. You told me your story and I believe you. It's not your fault you're being hunted. Leave now before they get to you. My castle will be fine, I can assure you that," Farlen responded. "I'll open a gateway that can get you to Louisiana. Rumor has it, the castle's settled somewhere in New Orleans. That's all I can tell you at the moment." He waved his hands and surely some kind of portal opened, but I couldn't see past the bright light that followed it. It was nowhere near as intimidating as Salazar's, though. I felt safe just standing next to it. "Hurry!" Farlen shouted as he pushed us towards it.

Odis took off his jacket and tied it around Maeve's waist. Then, he picked her up and settled her small body onto his back. The jacket was so no one could see up her short, red dress. "I'll take care of her. Let's just go!" he said. Kade and I didn't hesitate to step through the portal first.

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