Chapter 6

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I screamed.

The creature screeched louder.

Kade yelled and cursed furiously at it.

I pushed my back farther against the brick wall, too shocked and frightened to run as the creature and Kade began having a one-on-one death match.

Even through the tears filling my eyes, I could make out the horrid beast's features now.

A squished face, like a bat's, masculine, bulging arms, a hunched back, clawed feet and hands, and blackish/grayish leathery skin. Not to mention the enormous, also bat-like, wings sprouting from its back, with prongs protruding from the jagged points along the bottom of the finger-like bones inside each wing.

A long tail swept behind the creature furiously as it opened its wide mouth, aligned with razor sharp teeth, and bellowed at Kade. Its pointed ears and small horns made it look no less frightening. But Kade didn't look frightened. He didn't look shocked, either.

He looked pure angry. And in his eyes, I could see a bit of... recognition? Don't tell me these two know each other.

Suddenly the tides turned and the creature was hurled in the opposite direction of Kade. It screeched louder as Kade stood to his feet and brushed some dirt off his now filthy and... oh God... bloody shirt.

I hadn't realized it before but the creature had ripped into two different places along Kade's frontal region, one across his left shoulder and another on his lower stomach.

His face was covered in splotches of dirt and his eyes flared with nothing but rage.

I was kind of scared of him now.

But he seemed unaffected by his injuries and straightened his back challengingly, motioning the creature with just his eyes.

The creature, who had flown a good ten feet, recovered from its blow, shaking its head and trying to refocus on its target.

How had Kade thrown it that far? Based on its pulsating muscles and seemingly large form, I'd guessed it would be at least the weight of an average man.

I could be mistaken.

"Looks like you've crawled out from your cage. Who unlocked it? Your dear master?" Kade snapped in a rude tease.

I suddenly focused all my attention on him. What did he just say? Did he really just broadcast his recognition like that?

Cage? Master? Kade really knew this thing?

I was beginning to say "What the heck is going on and what the hell is that thing?" before I was cut off by not Kade but the... wait. What?

Was I hearing right? Seeing right? I was cut off by the creature! Not Kade, the creature! It actually talked!

"Did you think it'd hold me for long? You and your friends have too much confidence, boy," it said, it's voice raspy and mixed with growls. I jumped, now beginning to believe I was losing my mind.

No way this was happening.

But no way would Mom and Dad be able to pull something like this off.

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