Chapter 14

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"So Joshua, tell me about yourself." I said as we walked through the the amusement park, Thorpe Park. Two days after the party, he had called me up asking my on a date.

I had taken a well liking to him at the party and agreed.

"Well my name is Joshua as you know. I am in university right now. I'm studying architecture, I love to draw and play some piano and yeah." He smiled at me. I smiled back and looked down.

"Well, what about family? Any brothers or sisters? Where are you from?"

"Ah, we're getting personal now, aren't we?" He chuckled as he looked down at me. I laughed at his response and nodded.

"Yes, we are."

"Well, if you must know, I have two sisters and a brother. I'm originally from Michigan, but thought coming abroad to study would be a good idea for me. It was."

At that last part, he was looking at me with a small smile on his face. I couldn't help but blush and look down.

"That's interesting. Glad the UK could serve you very well." I tell him with a sincere smile.

"Yeah and it's only just getting better.." He chuckled.

"Now c'mon let's get you home. It's getting dark out." He said.

"Thanks for agreeing to go out with me ." Grinned Joshua.

"No problem. I guess I wanted to hang out with you a bit more and I had really fun." I sincerely replied.

Joshua leaned in and gave me a bear hug before letting go. I waved at him as he began walking away.

" Bye." He waved back before completely walking away.

I woke up the next day feeling great. A smile made its way to my face and I jumped out, heading to the bathroom to take a quick shower. I made my way out right after into my living and looked around, not knowing what to do.

Today we don't have rehearsals and I ten to get bored easily. I shrugged before changing into something else and making my way towards Jesy's apartment.

"Hey Jesy!" I knocked on her door.

"What!" She yelled back.

"Wanna go to Thorpe Park!?" I waited a bit because there was a paused.

"Yeah sure! Did you ask the other girls!?"

"Not yet!" I replied as I took out my phone to send a mass text message to our group chat, spamming them.

"Aye, shut up will you?" I heard someone yell before a loud bang followed. I jumped at the noise  and laughed before opening up Jesy's door and walking in. Shuffling was heard in her bedroom and I sat on her couch, waiting for her.

My phone buzzed, all girls agreed except Janelle. She was apparently hanging out with Liam today. I smiled, feeling happy for her.

"Alright! I saw the text, let's go."

Jesy had walked out, her makeup and hair well done. I shook my head, "Those beautiful curls will get destroyed on the rides, Jes."

She shrugged and took her bag before opening up her door. "Oh well, we'll see."

I sighed before walking out, hearing the door close and Jesy walk behind me.

"Shut up Perrie. It wasn't that scary." Sighed Jesy. 

"Yes it was. I almost died." She retorted crossing her arms over her chest like a child. She was going off about how the Saw ride was the most terrifying ride she's been on despite haven't gotten on the tallest ride here.

"What ever lets go." I muttered. As I turned around, I found myself bumping into someone. 

"Bicth!" The sadly to familiar voice screeched. Cher.

"Sorry Cher. I didn't see you." I said not really wanted to pick a fight. 

She scoffed and rolled her eyes, her arms were crossed over her chest. "As if, what are you guys even doing here?"

I looked around before my gaze fell back on her, "We're having fun on our day off, problem?"

Before she could say anything back, Harry had come up beside her and wrapped an arm around her. I internally groaned, but smiled nonetheless.

"Hi, Harry."

"Hey, Jade, girls." He smiled. They all replied and everything fell silent. Well, as silent as it could get in an amusement park.

"Well, we'll be off now, nice seeing you all."

We all waved as he left with a pouting Cher on his arm. I laughed and shook my head as I watched them walk off before the girls and I turned back to each other and walked off in the park, hoping to not run into any more trouble.

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