Chapter 41

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-Harry's P.O.V.-

Jade and I were currently sitting outside our hotel to look for some people. Not many fans came by; or paparazzi.

Thank god. "You know what? I'm tired of just sitting here. Go walk around and meet me here when you found someone." She said with a smile as she slightly pushed me. I nodded and stood up.

I walked around the busy streets of London. We had another concert tonight here at the Wembley stadium. The crowds are amazing. It makes me happy to see all of them smiling, dancing, and singing along to the music. It makes the boys and I feel accomplished.

I kept walking and walking 'til I found a girl sitting on a park bench. She was reading a book, Looking For Alaska.

I walked right up to her and sat down right beside her. She looked up from her book and then to me. "Hello." She softly said. Her eyes are a beautiful light brown, same with her hair. Her skin is very pale, but it's beautiful nonetheless.

"Hi." I breathed out. She smiled at me and went back to reading her book. I'm surprised she hasn't recognized me yet.

"My name's Harry." I told her, not knowing what else to say. She gently closed her book after putting a small sticky inside.

"The name's Iris." She responded with a smile. I smiled back. The name suits her well. "Nice to meet you Iris."

"Nice to meet you too Harry. Say, you look familiar." Her voice was somewhat formal. Which is strange because not most people talk like that anymore.

"Well I should be. I'm in the worlds biggest boyband, One Direction." I responded to her. Iris smiled and at me once she recognized me. "You are Harry Styles. Sorry, I'm not really into that kind of music. I'm more of an old school type. Ya' know, like Queen, The Smiths, The Beatles." She looked at me expectantly.

She basically loves all the bands that I do. It's a signal, let's admit. Unlike Jade, she might like a few songs from them, but not all. Though she's still beautiful, smart, funny-

Stop right there Styles. You're in the presence of another beautiful girl. Focus on her, not Jade.

"I also love that type of music."

Iris' smile got wider and she stood up from the bench. "Well Harry, it is a pleasure meeting you. I do have to go now though. Maybe you can give me your number and we can chat some other time?" Her face had a feature of hope that I couldn't say no to.

I nodded, "Definitely. You know what? I have a concert tonight. If you'd like to come."

"I would love to." I grinned at her, "Great. Well meet me at the hotel that's just around the corner from here. I'll be at the front at about four or five."

Iris nodded once again and then walked off after saying a goodbye.


"You met someone?" Jade jumped up from her seat and walked right up to me. I smiled at her and nodded. "That's great!" She cheered as she hugged me. I embraced this hug, for I will probably keep my distance from her to restrain any further feelings.

"It is. She's beautiful. Her name is Iris and she has light brown eyes, same colored hair. She loves the same bands as me and from the book she was reading, I could tell she had a good interest in books." I finshed my description of her and saw Jade's smile grow wider.

"Did you invite her to tonights concert? I want to meet her." I nodded and her and she cheered some more. "Well let's head up. The cre are probably wondering where we are.

-Jade's P.O.V.-

He finally found someone! About time!

Thought this will never happen but it did and I'm happy. Don't get me wrong, he's a great guy and all but no.

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