Chapter 21

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The sound of rain drumming against the glass window had woken me up. I cracked one eye open slightly and looked out to see the bright yet gloomy sky of London. I turned to my side and found Zayn lying beside me, his arm over my torso.

I gently smiled at the memories of last night before leaning down and placing a kiss on his cheek. I lifted his arm gently and swung my legs to the side.

Looking around, I tried to spot my clothing in the rather messy room. Figuring I would look later, I took one of Zayn's random shirts and put it on.

I went down the hall and into the living room, sitting down and turning on the telly as I waited for Zayn to wake.

Not long did I hear footsteps approach. Arms wrapped around my neck and I felt a wet kiss press on my cheek.

I squealed and pulled away, turning to look at a grinning Zayn. "Hey!"

"Morning, babe." He gently smiled.

"Morning, want to cook me some breakfast?" I asked in a hopeful tone. Zayn rolled his eyes, but nodded nonetheless; he smiled as he made his way to the kitchen.

Thirty minutes later, Zayn had called my name out. I stood up and jogged to he kitchen. My smile faltered as I looked at the island. I looked back up and Zayn; he had a shit eating grin on his face.

" this?" I asked as I pointed at the two bowls of froot loops.

"Your breakfast. Eat up." He grinned and sat on a chair and began eating.

"It took you that long to create this?" I pointed to the cereal.

"Hey! I made two and plus, I had to choose between a wide selection and see which you'd like the most.." He pointed back at me.

"Eh..better than nothing. " I laughed as I sat beside him and began eating.


"Perrie not in yet?" I asked as I yawned and placed myself at the kitchen table. Jade shook her head as she stared at the screen in front of her.

"No, she's most likely still with Zayn." Mumbled Janelle as she walked over and placed a bowl of oatmeal in front of me.

I shrugged and began eating. We weren't frustrated or mad that Perrie didn't stay with us tonight. We just wanted to make sure she was home safe right afterwards. Although considering the fact that she was with Zayn did put our minds at ease a bit.

In the midst of chatting and eating, we heard the front door open. We looked through the door that led to the foyer and saw Perrie set her bag by the door. 

We all looked each other before running to her.


She turned around, a scared look on her face as we engulfed her in a hug. 

"Oh my, you all need to calm down. I was only gone for the night."

"Oh, we know." I winked as I motioned to a love bite on her neck. Her cheeks turned a bright crimson color as her hand flew up to hide it.

She sighed. "Yeah, well at least I'm getting action."

We all gasp, feigning hurt. She just laughed and ran upstairs while shouting she was going to take a shower. We all laughed and just walked into the kitchen to continue our breakfast.


"Yeah, we can go to the outlet not far from here." Leigh mumbled as she munched on toast. 

Jesy nodded. "Yeah, they've got cute clothes at this one store there that they don't have in the other ones."

We were all making plans on hanging out all together today. We wanted to take one final moment before we had to leave for tour. We needed clothing as well since most of what we have is dirty and well, we're too lazy to wash it all.

In the midst of planning, my phone buzzed.

I unlocked it only to find a message from Harry, asking what time he should pick me up. Only then did it dawn on me I had promised him we'd hang out.

"Hey girls I can't hang today. I promised Harry I'll hang out with him." I told them.

"Don't worry, we understand you and him to patch up anything before tour begins." Janelle said as she placed her bowl in the sink.

They were all dressed and ready to go as was I. 

I just sat and watched them all run around, finding what was necessary for their day out. Once they did, they all began heading out.

"We'll be back in a few." I heard Perrie shout before the door shut.

Now all I had to do was wait.

The sky was a mix of bright pinks, purples, and blues. There were hardly any clouds in sight which to me was a rarity for London, but I really enjoyed it.

Harry had taken me to a nearby park. He said something about needing a breath of fresh air before the mayhem of tour occurs. I just chuckled and agreed to it.

"It's beautiful." I mumbled as I looked around me.

"So are you." I heard him whisper. I whipped my head to look at him, he had bright cheeks. I just sighed and shook my head.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled.

I turned to him and smiled. "It's fine. Thank you, though."

He smiled and we continued walking. In the midst of him talking more about how the tours go and what they do, I heard clicks. I looked around before realizing paparazzi were not that far behind. 

Great, just great. Of course they've followed when I've been with the boys before. I've noticed it. It's just the fact that he broke up with Cher and now he's seen alone with me will surely cause rumours to blow up.

"Great, it's just what I needed right now. Dating rumors." I mumbled as I crossed my arms and look down.

"I mean, I'm not complaining." He cheekily smiled, but I found no humor in it.

"Yeah, well I do, Harry. Joshua and I are together now. I don't dating rumors going around of us while dating Joshua. That could fuck up our relationship." I told him. 

He rolled his eyes. "I don't understand what you think is so bad about being with me. I'm a genuinely nice guy. I'm not too clingy, I care a lot. Why, Jade?"

I paused, contemplating if I should answer. On one hand I wanted to, I needed this convo to end all together and for once. Then again, I could end up saying the wrong thing and he could be mad at me until the end of time.

I stuck with keeping my mouth shut. I shook my head and began walking the other direction.

"I'm sorry, Harry. Please take me home." I said looking down.

Harry is great and all but a relationship? It won't work out. He's famous. The paparazzi will alwasy follow and I won't get any time to myself.

He sighed but nodded, following me to where he had parked the car. The whole car ride was awkward. Neither of us spoke at all. Harry had this hard expression on his face, his jaw was locked, and he hardly talked.

I felt guilt creep up on me, but I shook my head. I don't like him like that. I won't force it either, it wouldn't be fair for him to be in a one sided relationship. I just want him to be happy with someone that cares for him as a lover should.

I'm not that person.

"Thanks for the ride." I told him as I got out. 

"No problem." He gave me a weak smile. He started up his car again and I took that as a cue to shut the door.

Once I did, he drove off, leaving me in a smoke of dust.

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