Chapter 34

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-Leigh's P.O.V.-

When we came back from the club yesterday, the girls and I found Jade curled up in a ball in her hotel room crying her eyes out.

We knew she really loved Joshua and to have her be accused of something she didn't do like cheat; really broke her.

"Jade babe, get up. We have to go fly out to Manchester." I mumbled quietly; shaking her to wake her up.

(A/N I know I skipped Sunderland but I was lazy ;p Sorry)

"I don't want to go anywhere." She grumbled as she got deeper into her covers. I sighed and turned to the others who stood by the door. "Guys, a little help?!" I whined to them. I know she's hurting and all but she just has to calm down for a few and get on the flight.

"Jade. C'mon wake up. We have a plane to catch." Jesy said as she grabbed the blankets and threw them off of her.

"Jesy!" Shouted Jade. She looked very angry and also as if she was about to break out in any moment.

"I just want to sleep and forget about everything for a while!" She shouted; a few tears escaping here and there. "Jade, why are you crying? You weren't like this with the other Joshua." Said Janelle."I'm like this because I really loved Joshua and because the whole world is going to find out and they'll start saying things about me!" She cried.

"They'll say how much of a slut I am because I 'kissed' Harry while he was dating Cher and while I was dating Joshua! I don't want that! I didn't any of this...." Jade sat on her bed crying into her hands. The girls and I looked at each other and went over to envelope her into a huge hug.

"Jade babe, you do- if someone were to tell you those kinds of stuff, believe we'll be right beside you and defend you. You don't know how badly we feel to see you hurt. We don't like seeing you cry. It makes us want to cry because we feel like we can't do anything. Jade, don't worry about haters like that. They don't matter. You do. If they end up calling you a slut or a whore, believe us; we'll strike back." When Janelle finished her little speech, Jade looked at us for a while before giving all of us hugs.

"Thank you guys." She sniffled.

"No problem. Now get dressed and meet us outside. We've got your suitcases downstairs and loaded up into the van already." Said Perrie as she stood up from the bed.

Jade simply nodded and we exited.

"Poor girl. She's hurting." I said as we walked downstairs. "Yeah. I've never seen her this bad. This tour must be taking a toll on her." Murmured Janelle.

We all nodded and met everybody downstairs. "Hey babe." Greeted Jordan. He hugged be and gave me a big kiss. "Hey J."

He's was going to be with us for the concerts in Manchester before he heads back home. "Are you ready? Everyone's getting into the van already." He says as he points over to the car filled with dancers. I nodded.

We got in the van and waited for Jade.

After a few more minutes, she came out of the hotel doors with a handbag at side. She's just wearing some jeans, sneakers, suspenders, and a big sweater.

She got in the van with us and the car started moving. "Feeling better?" Asked Jordan. Though he's my boyfriend, he still loves and cares for the other girls. He treats them like sisters.

"A bit." She smiled and looked out the window. She put on her headphones and played some music. A frown was etched on her face and I could see she was trying to hold back tears.

A few fans were outside shouting mean things at her. She couldn't here, but she knew by their mean expressions on their faces.

They keep shouting slut, whore, bitch, etc..

We would've done something but we were already on the freeway and on the way to the airport.

Oh Jade.

-Jade's P.O.V.-

Everything's going down the drain for me. Everything's ruined. I'll probably end up losing my carreer because of this. I'm surprise management has called me yet to scold me; though it wasn't my fault. It was all on Harry.

He ruined my very happy relationship with Joshua. Now Cher's probably out to get me. She's probably plotting down some ideas on how to murder me. I wished none of this ever happened. I wish that everything at the club never happened and that I would be here in this car happily chatting with Joshua and the girls, but it's not like that.

I'm sitting here crying. Crying over something I wished never happened.

It shouldn't have happened, but it did and now I'm crying here in a car full of people.

This car maybe be full, but I sure do feel lonely.

-1 days later-

We're in rehearsals right now and I'm surprised that I've been calm lately. Cher though; she's a different story.

I'd walk past her and she'd glare at me. Her eyes are full with hate and I can't help but wonder if she's about to kill me already.

"Okay ladies, left, left. Now right tur-"

"Ow!" I screeched as I clutched my ankle. I looked up and Cher and saw her smirking at me. "That's what you get for being a slut."

"I didn't kiss him Cher!"

"Really!? Than who was it then!?" She screamed. I looked away because I knew I couldn't answer that. "Exactly. You're the whore who just goes around stealing boyfriends huh!"

"He kissed me! I didn't even want to kiss him!" I shouted back. Tears were already falling down. Can't she leave me alone already.

"Hey what's going on?" Asked Niall as he walked up stage with the others. "That little whore, is what's up!" Cher pointed at me. I stood up ignoring the pain in my ankle. "That's enough! I'm sick and tired of you always verbally abusing me! You're so annoying and I just pray for once you'd leave me and the girls alone! I'm sick and tired of you're shit; I'm done!" I shouted. The tears were now escaping at a quicker pace.

"What do you mean you're done?" Asked Zayn.

"It means I quit!"

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