Chapter 15

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I pulled my sun glasses over my eyes and rested them on my head as I entered the dance studio. We were cleaning up the dances we learned to the songs since the tour was closing in on us. 

The girls all met me with smile and I sat with them in their little circle.

"Jade, the girls were telling me about how you ran into Cher." Janelle spoke with a concerned tone. I looked at her and shrugged.

"Yeah, we had bumped into her again, but we ignored her and walked off."

She really pissed us off  because after we did so, she had made rude remarks, but we ignored it. So did Harry. 

He just sat there and watched it all. I'ts like he despises me now. I want to know exactly what's going on and how to fix it. He's my friend and when a friend is mad, I need to know why.

It was strange, he seemed fine at the party, but now it's as if he'd like to watch me fall off a cliff. My thoughts were interrupted when our choreographer walked in.

"Okay ladies up up up. Time to dance!"

Here we go.

"J-Janelle. Hand me the wanter bottle." Jesy said, in between deep breaths. We had not ever practiced all songs at once, only doing three a time. Now that tour was nearing, we tried out a full set and we were absolutely winded.

"Aw, plus sized can't take it? Maybe you should quit." Cher spoke as she appeared in front of us.

"Listen up you indecent little bitch." I shouted as I stood up, startling everyone including myself. 

" We didn't sign up for this just to be bullied by you. Your insults aren't even that good! My two year old nephew could spew better ones than that!"

By this point, Cher was fuming, "Here let me tell you a good few ones! I hate you!"

"Oh, cry me a fucking table, Cher! I don't give a fuck if you hate me, stupid cunt!"

"Crack whore!" She shouted back.

"At least I can spell crack whore. You're IQ is clearly shown to be less than that of a fucking infant's."

Cher looked about ready to pounce on. And she tried it, before she could come at me, Harry had again somehow appeared and held her back.

"Okay ladies break it up." Niall said as he kept his arms spread out between us. Harry and Cher just looked at me before they began to walk out.

"Yeah, that's right. Why don't you and your little boyfriend go off. Just avoid us forever. Don't ever try shit like that again, don't ever try talking to us. That won't be to hard would it? Certainly not for you Harry am I right?" 

Right when I said that, he spun around quickly and looked at me with an indescribable emotion in his eyes. He didn't say anything.

Harry looked down at the ground not saying anything. Like hell we would've. 

"That's what I thought." I grabbed my bag and left. The girls following.

"I can't believe you said that to Harry." Leigh-anne spoke as she sat on my couch, a bowl of yogurt parfait in her hand.

"Well it's true. After the party he has just been avoiding me, I don't know if I did anything but He certainly isn't happy. I just really don't get it." I told her. I laid my head on her shoulder, picking at the fur pillow in my arms.

"Well maybe it's Cher." Shrugged Perrie. 

"What do you mean?"

"Well maybe Cher doesn't want Harry talking to you so she could make sure he won't like you ever again. And so that you won't like him." Janelle spoke. 

I nodded, she's right. Knowing Cher, she probably told him something about me or whatever to get him to stop talking to me.

"Janelle's right. So is Perrie." Said Jesy.

Yeah I guess they are right. But me liking him shouldn't be a problem at all. Everybody pretty much knows that by now. 

I don't think I ever will. 

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