Chapter 2: BFF Bonding

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Chapter 2

"And of course the whole time I was just thinking 'what the hell am I doing here this is extremely awkward' and then he-"

"Did you tell him that?" Nicole giggled, pushing her bright blonde, straight hair back from her perfect face as she leaned towards Elli.

Ellie shook her head frantically.

"Hell no! He thought I was having the time of my life!" Ellie whined, twisting her red hair around her finger. "All I could think about was I was having less fun than when I get my eyebrows done."

"He's that bad of a kisser?" Ashley laughed, sinking low in her bean bag chair.

"It was like kissing a dog! His tongue was everywhere and it was wet and he wasn't even moving his hands. And I just felt trapped." Ellie shivered.

"Yuck." I sighed, leaning back against the wall. "Then what happened?"

"We held hands the entire way home and it was really uncomfortable because his hands were sweaty." Ellie grimaced.

"But you like him so much just yesterday!" Ashley protested. "I was so rooting for you guys!"

"I still like him! I mean he's funny and cute and nice and supportive but it's just... Somebody needs to teach that boy his way around a girl." Ellie shook her head, stretching her arms over her head. "I should at least be having fun while making out."

"Retweet." I laughed.

"What about you, Marley, you haven't yet shared your latest love conquest? I haven't seen you all summer, I'm sure you have stories to tell." Ashley said excitedly.

"Um... Nothing's really been happening." I sighed, shaking my head.

"You think that girl can get any action with six older brothers breathing down her neck?" Nicole laughed. "Poor girl still hasn't had her first kiss."

"No!" Ashley whined. "This was supposed to be your summer!"

"Tell me about it." I sighed.

"Sorry to interrupt your little gossip circle, but I'm just here to inform you that it is fifteen minutes past nine and the girls need to leave." Mark said, leaning against the doorway.

"Nobody asked you to be the time police." I snapped, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Make them leave and I won't tell dad they stayed late. Logan and I are going to play Madden in here."

I groaned, standing up from the floor.

"You're a jerk." I hissed to him as I followed the girls out of the room.

"Oh boo hoo." Mark rolled his eyes. "Logan let's go!" He called down the hall.

I was just following my three best friends down the stairs as Logan Hamilton walked out of my brother's room.

He was fixing his reddish brown hair, oblivious to anybody watching him.

He suddenly noticed me and a smile spread across his face.

I felt my stomach flip as my cheeks turned pink.

"Hey Marley." Logan smiled, giving me a wave.

"H-hi." I stammered, quickly running down the stairs.

"So what do I do about Kent?" Ellie sighed, glancing between us.

"Give him another shot." I offered.

"Tell him you don't like kissing with tongue." Nicole added.

"If he tried it again, bite it." Ashley said confidently, causing all of us to start giggling.

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