Chapter 29: Eavesdropping

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Chapter 29

It was ten thirty at night and I was pretty sure all the other guys were asleep already. At least they were dead silent in the room. But still, I tiptoed to the bathroom, turned on the shower, and sat down on the floor with my phone.

I dialed Logan's number and prayed that he'd answer.

"Hello?" His voice brought a smile to my face.

"I have had the weirdest evening." I whispered.

"Uh yeah, I must admit, you kinda left me hanging earlier." Logan laughed.

"Yeah, sorry about that." I replied. "Uh... Well Mark was snooping on my texts with Nicole and then he saw your snap and then..."

"Oh my God." Logan whispered. "Don't tell me..."

"And he opened it." I managed, closing my eyes.

"I'm going to throw up." Logan groaned. "You're kidding me..."

"I wish I was." I sighed.

"I'm dead. I'm absolutely dead." Logan laughed. "It was nice knowing you, Marley."

"No, but listen. Mark and I fought it out, as we always do. The others are totally chill." I reassured him. "So I think we're all good."

"Marley, the guy saw my dick, I don't think we're good." Logan said seriously.

"So? Don't guys like walk around the locker room naked anyways or something?" I laughed. "Isn't that normal? He's your best friend."

"Okay yeah but not when I've got a hard on." Logan laughed. "Not when it's in a sexual setting. Jesus, I'm not gonna be able to look him in the eyes now."

"It's okay. He'll get over it." I offered.

"Anyways... How are you doing? You said you and Mark fought?" Logan asked carefully. "Are you talking like verbally or physically?"

"Both." I admitted. "But we're fine."


"I'm fine! I have a bruise on my hip and a nasty scratch on my arm but Mark is totally worse off." I said proudly.


"Meaning I tackled him and he's got a big old lump on the back of his head." I said happily. "All is fair in love and war, babe."

"You two..." Logan sighed. "Well what did the other guys say?"

"I don't know. I've been avoiding them."

"Seriously? How big is your dad's house in Ohio?"

"Oh it's two bedrooms and we're all in the same room." I laughed, stretching out my legs. "But I've stuck with my dad and grandma while the guys have been off whispering to each other and being all weird."


"It's fine. I'll let them take Mark's side for now. He deserves it." I shrugged. "If I need their support, all I have to do is ask and they'll back me up no questions asked. Benefits of being the baby."

"More like benefits of being the baby sister."

"Hey, don't be sexist."

"I'm not!"

"Uh huh."

A beat of silence went by and a smile crossed my face.

"I love you, Marley Ryder." Logan whispered.

"And I love you, Logan Hamilton." I smiled. "But I should get back to bed before the guys notice I'm missing."

"Alright, Merry Christmas, I'll talk to you tomorrow."

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