Chapter 5: Lots and Lots of Chores

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Chapter 5

Marley's POV

I laid awake in bed, staring at the ceiling.

I didn't know what time it was, but I knew that I couldn't sleep.

I'd fallen asleep early, being grounded and all.

And now I'd woken up early too, my brain working too hard to be able to actually sleep.

I rolled over to face the window, my stomach twisting as I thought about the fight that dad and I got into yesterday.

It wasn't even that I missed my mom. Hell I barely even knew the woman.

I just got so frustrated being the guinea pig of the family.

My brothers had it so easy while I was the little, fragile sister that to be protected.

Dad had so many more rules for me.

The guys treated me like I was breakable.

Which was totally false. I could school them any day in a soccer game and I frequently did when everyone was home and the seven of us, plus my dad, all had a pick up game.

I wasn't a fragile girl that needed protecting and nobody could see that.

All of a sudden, the house was alive with tons of noise.

Music started blasting from the kitchen and my dad began banging a wooden spoon on the bottom of a cooking pot.

I immediately groaned, knowing what this was.

I pulled my pillow over my face, not wanting to get out of bed.

"Breakfast in 2 minutes! Everyone in the kitchen!" My dad yelled, pounding on my door.

I groaned again, knowing that I actually to get out of bed.

My room was always a million degrees until it started to snow outside, so I slept in spandex and a sports bra on a regular basis. The two windows in my room were also always wide open during the night in an attempt to get some breeze into the room.

I pulled a pair of sweatpants up my legs, pushing the loose pieces of my bun out of my face as I unlocked my door and stumbled out into the bright hallway.

"Damn." I muttered.

My dad was on full hangover killer mode. I knew that all of the guys had gone out to a party last night and hadn't gotten in until like 2 or 3. This was my dad's way of punishing them for drinking. He'd turn on all of the lights in the house, put as much noise as possible on, and wake us up for breakfast at 7 in the morning on a Saturday.

I didn't even have the energy to slide down the bannister, and simply plopped down the stairs with my eyes half open.

"Marley put a shirt on." My dad called from the kitchen.

I let out a groan, slipping down a step as I tried to turn around to walk up the stairs again. I landed harshly on my knees, cursing under my breath.

"Here." Michael said, handing me a shirt as he came down the stairs behind me.

"Thanks." I muttered, pulling his t-shirt over my head.

Michael just nodded, walking into the kitchen ahead of me.

I slid into an empty seat in between Wesley and Mark.

Both of them looked dead.

I glanced around the table, my jaw dropping when I saw that Logan was seated across from Mark.

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