Chapter 12: Slumber Party

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Chapter 12

Marley's POV

"Hey how's it going down there?" My dad called down the stairs.

"Everything is perfect." I called back. "Thank you so much for letting me do this!"

"Of course." My dad replied with a laugh.

But he still seemed doubtful.

Even though it was literally only three other girls staying over in the basement, he was acting like I invited the whole grade for a sleepover.

I straightened out a bowl of popcorn before jogging up the stairs.

I caught up to my dad as he was walking into the living room and I threw my arms around him from behind.

"Seriously, dad, thank you." I said with a grin, leaning up to kiss his cheek.

"Of course." My dad repeated, this time sounding like he actually meant it. "But uh, shouldn't you have invited Grace Carter?"

"Wesley's girlfriend?" I raised my eyebrows. "Why would I invite her?"

"Because she's in your grade, isn't she?" My dad frowned.

"That doesn't mean I'm going to invite her to everything. She's Wesley's, not mine." I shook my head.

"It wouldn't kill you to be nicer to the girl." My dad gave me a look.

I crossed my arms, getting annoyed.

"I'm not not nice to her. I just don't talk to her. She's Wesley's." I shrugged. "It's fine, dad, it's just... You don't understand it. This isn't elementary school. You don't have to invite everyone to your parties." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." My dad rolled his eyes. "But listen, if the guys cause any trouble then-"

"The guys won't be here." I said proudly. "Well the twins will but they're chill."

"And where will Wesley and Mark be?" My dad asked suddenly, making me realize that the guys probably hadn't cleared it with my dad yet.

"Uh... Well..." I trailed off.

"Spit it out."

"I don't want to be a tattle." I shook my head.

"You're not five." My dad gave me a look. "Spill."

"So like, the guys found out that the four of us were having a little slumber party middle school style... So Logan's having all of the guys over to his place for the same thing. They're mocking us, it's totally annoying, but whatever. It gets them out of the house." I shrugged. "Don't get mad at them for not telling you, I'm sure they just haven't gotten around to it yet."

"Sure." My dad rolled his eyes. "But listen, will you be alright if I have to run out for a bit tonight? I'm not sure if my mom will need me and-"

"Of course." I said seriously. "The twins will be here if I need anything. Besides, Granny Nancy is the most important thing in your life right now."

My dad nodded, scratching the back of his neck.

Granny Nancy had fallen a few weeks ago and she was now at a temporary rehabilitation facility that she absolutely hated. She called it her prison.

"Someone's here." My dad pointed towards the door.

"Yay!" I said excitedly, bouncing towards the front hall.

I was wearing my old One Direction concert t-shirt from sixth grade and a pair of pajama pants that would look cute on a child.

But hey, this was a middle school style sleep-over after all.

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