Chapter 28: Snapchats and Snow Fights

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Chapter 28

Our brothers made their way over to our table once they finished. They waited for us to finish eating and we all walked out together. 

"Same cars?" Alex raised his eyebrows. 

Everybody but Mark and me nodded in agreement. But we were outnumbered, and just had to accept that we would be sitting in the backseat together for the next who knows how many hours. 

"Great. Michael are you good to drive the rest of the way with no more stops? I'm thinking we can just get out the next three hours quickly." Alex said as we walked outside. 

I glanced down at my phone as a notification popped up. A text from Logan.

*have you left for Ohio yet? we need to talk...*

My heart jumped into my throat and I felt my body get warm.

"Wait, I have to pee." I said suddenly, my stomach twisting

"Jesus, Marley, hurry up." Michael rolled his eyes.

I gave him a quick smile before running back inside and heading straight towards the bathroom.

I locked myself in a stall and quickly dialed Logan's number.

The only place I was safe from my brothers was the girls bathroom.

"Hey..." Logan sighed.

"We left at nine this morning." I told him, leaning against the wall.

"Oh." Logan mumbled. "Well I uh... I have something to tell you."

"Yeah I have something to tell you too." I said seriously, butterflies erupting in my stomach.

"Okay well first just let me get this off my chest. I think we jumped into this whole thing too fast..."

My stomach sunk and I felt a chill rush over my body.

"Don't do what I think you're about to do." I warned.

"Marley I-"

"If you're about to break up with me over the phone while I'm hiding in a Panera bathroom, I will never forgive you. I will set all six of my brothers on you, I swear to God." I said seriously, my heart pounding in my chest.

"Jesus you think I'm about to break up with you?" Logan exclaimed. "Marley!"

"You just said we jumped into this too fast!" I exclaimed. "What do you expect me to think?"

"Gosh, Marley, chill!" Logan laughed. "I was just going to let you know that yes, I love you, but I'm not going to let that ruin our relationship. We'll go at your pace, I promise."

I took a deep breath, closing my eyes.

"And I know that this is the real deal, and whenever you're ready to-"

"Logan." I cut him off.

"Let me finish I-"

"I love you." I said quietly, a smile crossing my face.

Logan sucked in air.

"Yeah?" He laughed softly.

"I love you." I repeated, more confidently. "And I really, really mean it. I may be absolutely terrified about this whole 'love' thing but seriously, Logan, you mean everything to me."

Logan was silent for a moment and I felt the smile on my face grow even more until my cheeks were hurting.

"You're hiding in a Panera bathroom?" Logan whispered.

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