Chapter 17: Babysitting Duty

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Chapter 17

"Good morning, sunshine." Michael teased as I stumbled into the kitchen on a Monday morning.

"Two more weeks of hell and then it's Christmas." I said out loud, mostly to myself, as I opened up the fridge.

"Jane made breakfast." Wesley said excitedly from the table.

I slowly turned around, pushing my hair out of my face as my eyes adjusted to the massive amount of food on the kitchen table.

"Sweet." I muttered, sliding into the chair next to Mark.

I piled eggs, bacon, and pancakes onto my plate, sitting up on my knees.

"Good morning!" Jane said happily, appearing in the kitchen with both of her daughters.

She had Marisol in her arms, and slid the three year old into a high chair while Kelsey climbed up onto the chair next to me.

I watched as she took a plate and put barely any food on it.

When I was her age, I was eating enough to feed a trucker. Thank goodness for my fast metabolism or I'd be a cow.

Wesley laughed.

"Make it more obvious would you?" Wesley muttered across the table.

"What's on everybody's schedule for the day?" Jane said as she prepared a sippy cup of milk.

"Pretty much school and studying. We've got finals next week so we're up to our ears in school work." Michael explained, taking a bite of his eggs.

"Well that seems absolutely outrageous." Jane commented, handing the milk to Marisol who greedily took it without a thank you. Dad would've killed us if we didn't say thank you when we were little. Especially at an age where you're learning.

Kelsey was staring at me as she ate her eggs, her eyes wide.

I gave her an awkward smile before turning to face Mark.

"So. For tonight, I was thinking we could have a bit of a family dinner? I know that Alex and James are already back at school, but I figured the five of you, the girls, and Henry and I could all eat together?" Jane suggested, resting her hand on Marisol's thin hair.

"Uh, Nicole and I are doubling with Wes and Grace tonight." Mark said awkwardly, glancing across the table at our brother.

"Yea I'm going out with friends tonight." I added, thinking about the plans that I had with Logan for our one month anniversary.

"Who? The girls are all with us tonight." Wes frowned.

Shit. That was a good point.

"Uh, uh my- my new friend." I managed.

Michael raised his eyebrows at me. "Marley, you don't make friends that quick." He laughed.

Another good point.

"Yes I do! Her name is Laura." I grinned, completely making her up on the spot. "And we're going to the mall to do Christmas shopping." That part was actually true. But they didn't need to know that.

"Can you guys all try to clear your schedules for tomorrow then?" Jane asked hopefully. Marisol looked up at her expectantly, milk covering her mouth. Jane ignored the child.

We all agreed, exchanging looks around the table.

"Mommy why does she eat like a boy?" Kelsey asked, her eyes still on me as I put a forkful of eggs into my mouth.

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