Chapter 20: Bahamas Day 1 - Mansions and Sunburns

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Chapter 20

"Can we stop fighting?" Logan asked softly, leaning over towards me.

"What?" I frowned, looking at my sad looking boyfriend. "We're fighting?"

Logan just looked at me.

"I thought you were mad at me." Logan frowned, shifting his position in the plane chair.

He was sitting in between Mark and I. We were flying first class. Jane wouldn't stand for anything less, of course.

"No of course not." I frowned, carefully glancing over to make sure Mark was still asleep with his headphones in. "Why would I be mad at you?"

"I don't know I just felt like you were." Logan said softly, reaching over to take my hand into his.

"So you voluntarily sat next to me on a 6 hour flight?" I raised my eyebrows with a laugh as our fingers linked together.

"Well I dunno I thought we could talk about whatever we were fighting about but I guess we're not fighting." Logan laughed, his eyes meeting mine.

"You honestly thought I was mad at you? Logan, I've just been so busy with finals and all that extremely boring stuff." I said quietly, resting my head on his shoulder.

"What are you doing your brothers are-"

"Pretend I fell asleep." I whispered. I felt Logan laugh as he gave my hand a squeeze.

And as I actually did start falling asleep on his shoulder, I felt his head droop onto mine as well.

A smile crossed my face as I realized that we could be so close, and play it off as an accident if any of my annoying brothers questioned it.

"Are you really asleep?" I whispered, my eyes closed.

"I could be if I wanted to." Logan replied at the same minimal volume.

"Goodnight." I whispered, trying not to giggle.


"I'm bored." I whined, resting my head against Michael's shoulder.

"Our bags should be out here shortly." Jane said, her jaw tense as she held her three year old daughter in her arms.

Not only were the youngest children tired and fussy, Jane was pissed off, my brothers were tired but had lots of pent up energy, Nicole was PMSing, Grace was having an anxiety attack and Wesley was struggling to calm her down, and I was just about falling asleep.

We definitely weren't the happiest group of people standing in the airport.

Logan's eyes met mine from across the group of my family and my felt my stomach flip.

I pushed myself off of Michael's shoulder, nonchalantly walking over to my boyfriend.

Upon seeing me approaching, Mark rolled his eyes and turned to talk to Alex.

"How are you doing?" Logan asked softly.

"I'm tired." I shrugged. "I didn't get much sleep on the plane with you whispering inappropriate things in my ear." I teased.

Logan just grinned. "Well good thing you've got your own room to-"

"Yea, not happening. Turns out we're not all getting our own room. Grace and Nicole will share with me. You'll probably be sharing with Mark and Wesley." I shrugged.

Logan frowned. "Damn I was looking forward to that..." Logan sighed. "It's been like three weeks since-"

"Hey the fact that we don't have a room readily available does not mean that we won't be doing anything." I gave him a look. "We'll find a way before the day is over." I winked before turning around.

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