Chapter 25: Bahamas Day 5 - Not So Secret

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Chapter 25

Did I love Logan?

That was certainly the question of the day...

Was it love when no matter what he said, it always made me laugh?

Was it love that when I was bored I always found myself wondering what he was doing?

Was it love that every time he touched me my skin felt like it was on fire?

Was it love that he never left my mind?

By the time the water of my bath had gotten cold, and goosebumps rose on my skin, my mind was no more calm than it had been before.

I pulled on a pair of sweatpants and one of Logan's t-shirts that I'd packed in my suitcase. 

As I walked over to the bed, I stopped dead in my tracks. 

I looked down at the shirt that I was wearing, my heart beginning to pound in my chest. 

My hand closed around the necklace with the three heavy words written on the back.

I laid down on my stomach, feeling sick to my stomach as I pulled the blankets over me. 

"Marley?" Nicole said softly, laying down next to me sometime later. "Jane wants me to tell you that we're all having a bonfire after dinner on the back patio. And even if you don't want to eat dinner with us, she wants everyone there." 

"I love him." I whispered. "But I didn't tell him." 

"Well why didn't you?" Nicole asked, pulling the blankets down so she could see my face. 

"Because what if he stops loving me someday? What if I still love him but he doesn't love me anymore?" I asked, tears in my eyes. 

"Then he won't love you anymore. And you'll move on. But honestly you should've seen how excited he was when he told Grace and me his plan." Nicole smiled. "He really loves you. And so what if in a year, or maybe even a month, he doesn't love you anymore. Why not make the most of this time?" 

I sighed. "You make a lot of sense." 

"Well Mark and Wesley have been off bonding all day so I happen to know Logan is in his room all alone." Nicole gave me a look. 

She didn't have to tell me twice. 

I jumped out of the bed and practically ran across the hall to Logan's room.

He was laying on his stomach, shirtless, and snoring. 

A smile crossed my face as I shut the door and walked towards his bed. 

Without a word, I laid down on his back and pressing my lips against his ear. 

"I really hope you're Marley and not one of your brothers." Logan smirked, not opening his eyes. 

"It's me." I laughed, resting my head next to his. 

"Where've you been all day?" Logan asked. "It's been damn boring in here." 

"Logan." I said seriously, reaching up to run my fingers through his hair. "People who I'm not blood related to have a habit of coming and going in my life."

Logan's face grew serious as he looked at me.

"And I just... This whole concept of love and shit, it's something that my family hasn't really taken too kindly too. My older brothers don't have the best track records with relationships and maybe it's us, honestly it could be. But I've lived my whole life thinking that finding love is something that's ridiculously hard."

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