Chapter 11: False Sense of Security

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Chapter 11

Logan's POV

"How was your day?" Michael asked as Marley walked into the kitchen.

"Great, I got a dress it's gorgeous." Marley grinned, holding a bag in her hand. "But I'm going to shower I feel disgusting. Is dad back yet?"

"No he called to say that he'll be there for the rest of the day. Justin's taking me to my doctors appointment." Michael replied as Justin jogged down the stairs.

"Ready?" Justin said.

Within 10 seconds, Michael and Justin walked out of the front door, and Marley disappeared upstairs.

I heard the shower start a few minutes later, and felt a little jolt of electricity in my stomach at the thought of her naked.

"You okay?" Mark raised his eyebrows, pulling a bottle of water out of the fridge.

"Yea, yea totally." I mumbled.

"Like I totally don't mean to be rude, but uh, when my dad gets home we'll probably just want a family day and-"

"Yea I was just about to leave anyways." I smiled. "I'll just go grab my stuff." I added, heading towards the stairs.

Making sure Mark didn't follow me, I quickly pushed open the bathroom door.

"Marley." I said, nearly choking on the amount of steam.

"Yea?" She asked with a giggle, poking her wet head out of the shower.

"I'm leaving. I'll see you at school tomorrow." I winked.

"Bye sexy." She laughed, pulling the shower curtain shut again.

With a laugh, I shut the door and headed to Mark's room to get my stuff.

I couldn't wait to take her to homecoming...


I laid in bed, my eyes wide open as I stared at the ceiling.

"Well it's not my fault that you took on extra hours at the hospital!" My mother yelled.

"Well someone needs to provide for this family while you're out there pretending to make a living off of being a lawyer! You haven't had a case in how long... Weeks? Months?" My dad replied loudly.

"I do just as much to provide for this family, Roger!" My mother yelled.

With a groan, I rolled over and pulled my pillow over my head, trying to block out the noise.

I eventually fell asleep, the sound of the yelling not completely leaving my mind.

And Marley wondered why I could never sleep...

"How'd you sleep, sweetie?" My mom asked happily when I appeared downstairs the next morning for breakfast.

"Fine, I guess." I shrugged, taking a bite of the toast as I sat down.

"You have practice after school?" My dad raised his eyebrows.

"Yea just an hour we have a game tomorrow." I nodded.

"And how's the team doing?" My dad asked, trying to be all caring and shit.

"Uh... Michael separated his shoulder. He doesn't need surgery but he's out for 3-6 weeks according to the doctor yesterday."

"Michael? Michael Ryder? Your quarterback?" My dad asked in shock.

I nodded. "He was in pain Tuesday yet still proceeded to bench 200, and nearly dropped it on Marley when his arm buckled." I shrugged. "She's fine though, but he's not."

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