Chapter 26: Last Day in the Bahamas

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Chapter 26

"Right, well I'm going to finish packing." James sighed, standing up from the table.

My heart jumped into my chest as he left the kitchen, leaving me alone with Michael. 

He hadn't said anything that night after he saw me and Logan in the kitchen. 

He hadn't said anything yesterday when everybody spent the day out on the beach. 

He hadn't said anything yet, but he just kept staring at me with a look that mirrored disappointment. 

"Go on. Say it. Yell at me. Tell me I can't date him or whatever." I said seriously, looking at my brother. 

Michael just shook his head. 

"Dad is going to kill you." Michael sighed. "That's all I have to say to you right now." 

I gasped. "No! No you can't tell dad! You can't tell anybody!" I said urgently. "Michael please." I whispered. 

Michael just looked at me, his eyes hard. "You've been lying to us for months." Michael said. "Marley, this isn't like you."

"You can't tell dad. Please. He'll be so disappointed. I'll tell him myself." I said. "Michael..." I pleaded. 

"Marley." Michael gave me a look. "What the hell is going on?"

"You don't understand, please." I whispered. "You can't screw this up for me. I'm already walking on egg shells."

"What are you-"

Mark walked into the kitchen, mid-yawn. 

"Morning." He said sleepily, grabbing a plate of food as he sat down next to me. 

I looked at Michael, my heart pounding in my chest. 

If he told Mark right now, I was dead. 

"What's the tension for?" Mark laughed, his mouth filled with eggs. 

I looked at Michael again as my hands started shaking. 

"Please." I mouthed at him. 

"Great, you three stay here." Alex said, sticking his head into the kitchen. "We're having a family meeting. A Ryder family meeting." He added before walking away. 

5 minutes later found the 7 of us sitting at the table, everybody looking at Alex. 

Except for me, I was staring at Michael, panicking. 

Michael hadn't looked at me since Mark walked into the room.

If he'd told Alex about this, and everybody was about to find out, I don't think I could ever forgive him for this...

"Dad called." Alex said. "And he's not coming home for Christmas." 

The feeling that filled me was even worse than the feeling a moment before. 

"What?" I whispered. 

Michael's eyes met mine and he gave me a reassuring look that clearly said he wasn't giving dad this news over the phone. 

"He's got stuff to do in Ohio so he's staying for the holidays." Alex explained. "But we have a decision to make. We can stay at Jane's and have Christmas with them, or we can have Christmas at home and we'll cook ourselves and have Granny Nancy over. Or we-"

"Granny Nancy." I said instantly. "We can't have Christmas without her." 

"Or..." Alex said, giving me a look that scolded me for my impatience. "We can all drive down to Ohio, with Granny Nancy." 

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