Chapter 6: Falling For You

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Chapter 6

Logan's POV

"You spent the night again?" Marley laughed as she walked into the kitchen.

I was sitting alone at their table, as most of the household was not awake yet.

"Yea, my parents are out of town this weekend." I replied with a shrug.

"Ooh and you didn't have a party in that massive house of yours last night?" Marley giggled as she sat down across from me with a bottle of vitamin water lemonade. "Shocking."

"All of you guys were grounded. It wasn't worth throwing a party without Mark Ryder." I shrugged, trying not to show how hot I thought she looked.

Her hair was in a soaking wet bun on the top of her head, and she was wearing athletic shorts and a long sleeve shirt that said Northwestern on the front.

Somehow, something so simple looked so inviting.

"Well I mean of course, the Ryders make a party a party." Marley winked.

She grimaced at her words while I laughed.

"I can't believe I just said that. Moving on..." Marley sighed. "What are you planning on doing today?"

"Not sure. My parents aren't coming home until late so I've got the whole day." I replied with a shrug. "What about you?"

Marley just nodded thoughtfully. "I don't have much going on either. I know the rest of the guys will still be cleaning to get ungrounded. Dad told me I was all paid off last night."

"Do you want to hang out?" I blurted out.

Marley raised her eyebrows slightly, her cheeks turning pink.

"Sure!" She grinned, nodding enthusiastically. Then her smile faded as if she was being too enthusiastic, but it returned full force as her eyes met mine.

"Oh great the two of you are down here, excellent. I need someone to go buy some paint from Home Depot for me. We're all painting the fence today." Mr. Ryder said, appearing in the kitchen wearing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

Marley and I just looked at each other. So much for getting to hang out.

"Yea we'll go." Marley nodded, standing up from her chair. "The same stuff as last time?"

"You remember?" Mr. Ryder asked in shock.

"Yea Alex pulled me along with him last time we painted the fence." Marley laughed.

"You were like ten." Mr. Ryder frowned.

"I have a good memory." Marley shrugged. "Come on, Logan."

I just smiled as I stood up from the table as well.

"Great get about three cans, that should cover it." Mr. Ryder told Marley as she stepped into a pair of Nike slides.

I pulled on Mark's Timberlands, although they could've been anyone else's in the house.

Marley grabbed the keys and danced out to the car, humming to herself as she got into the driver's seat.

"You can drive?" I raised my eyebrows, sliding into the passenger seat.

Marley nodded. "But we all share the car, and it sort of goes in age priority." Marley shrugged, turning up the radio as she pulled out of the driveway. "But anyways, we can still hang out while we paint."

I nodded, laughing as she started singing along to the One Direction song on the radio.

"Hang on how do you have your license, you're a sophomore." I frowned.

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