Chapter 10: Homecoming?

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Chapter 10

Marley's POV

I couldn't stop laughing as Logan and I walked up to the front door.

"Yea Michael's right please don't wear those leggings in public again." Logan said, sliding his arm around my waist.

I giggled, turning to face him. "Why? Can't handle the attractiveness of my butt?" I winked, pressing my lips against the corner of his mouth.

"So touchy, gosh." Logan teased, kissing me again.

"Mm so you're sleeping over right?" I raised my eyebrows as I pushed open the door.

"Yes, yes I am." Logan nodded, raising his eyebrows.

I winked at him as I walked into the kitchen.

Nobody was in there, so I turned around and jogged up the stairs with Logan right behind me.

"Take off those damn pants!" Michael yelled as I walked into the game room.

"Why?! I like them!" I frowned. "How's your arm?"

"Hurts like hell." Michael sighed. His arm was in a sling and he was icing it while sitting in one of the bean bag chairs. "Where were you guys?"

"Coney. Did you see a doctor?" I asked, sitting down on Justin's lap.

"Going tomorrow." Michael said, giving Logan a suspicious look.

Logan joined in on the ping pong game going on between Mark and Wesley.

"You still spending the night?" Wesley asked Logan.

"Yea." Logan nodded.

I tried to hide my smile as I moved to the open bean bag.

"DINNER!" My dad called up the stairs.

And the chaos began.


"What are all of you doing up? For goodness sakes it's almost midnight." My dad said, poking his sleepy head into the game room.

We were all sitting on bean bags, watching the fifth Harry Potter.

"Dad, we don't have school tomorrow." Michael rolled his eyes.

"Seriously?" My dad frowned, looking confused. "Why?"

"Because the middle schools have records day so the whole district gets it off." Justin replied.

"Oh... Well anyways, all of you guys go to bed." My dad frowned, looking tired. "And keep the noise down."

"But dad we-"

"Bed. Now." He said seriously before walking back to his room.

I groaned, grabbing my comforter that I'd brought into the room. It was surprisingly cold in here, and I was just in a pair of pajama shorts and a white tank top.

"Night." I mumbled, slowly heading towards my room.

"Wait Marley!" Mark called.

I turned around slowly, stifling a yawn.

He tossed me my phone, which I caught with a smile.

I fell asleep the second I flopped onto my bed.


"Marley, Marley wake up." Someone whispered, poking my shoulder.

"Huh? What?" I mumbled, sleepily sitting up in the dark.

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