Chapter 22: Bahamas Day 2 - Babysitting

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Chapter 22

"Morning!" Michael said happily as I walked into the kitchen. "How you feeling?"

I flipped him off, opening up the fridge.

"I made breakfast." An unfamiliar voice said happily.

I slowly turned around to find a middle aged woman with a plate of eggs and bacon.

"You must be Julie." I muttered, taking the plate with a smile. "Thanks."

"I am, yes." The woman laughed.

I took a seat next to Michael, giving him a weird look.

"Where are the girls?" I asked him curiously as I took a bite of my delicious eggs.

"They went on a hike with Mark, Wesley, the six year old, and Henry." Michael replied, standing up from the table. "Are you still sick?"

"No! No I am not! Stop it with the damn look or whatever I don't have a look!" I exclaimed, glaring at him.

"Dude, you had the look yesterday, and you were up all night puking so the look is legit." Michael gave me a look.

"Bullshit. I'm fine now."

"Whatever, I've got to go get changed. Justin and I are going on a boat ride with Alex and James." Michael smiled before walking off.

A smile crossed my face when I realized that that accounted for everybody in this house. The girls were on a hike with their boyfriends, my other brothers were going on a boat ride, which meant that Logan and I would be completely alone in the house.

I picked at the rest of my food, not really having an appetite. I cleared my mostly full plate, yelling a thank you to Julie before I shot back up the stairs to the floor with the bedrooms.

I burst into the one that Logan, Wes, and Mark were staying in, a grin on my face.

My grin instantly faded when I saw the sight in front of me.

The room was already a mess, clothes everywhere. I hadn't even noticed it last night.

Logan was sprawled across one of the twin beds, the blankets on the floor. He was just wearing a pair of basketball shorts, his boxers visible underneath.

I decided to just let him sleep. Slowly backing out of the room, I nearly jumped out of my skin when Jane appeared out of nowhere with Marisol on her hip.

"Oh thank Goodness you're still here. Look I hate to do this but everybody else is out for the day and I have to go to the mainland for some business." Jane said, giving me a pleading look. "Can you watch Marisol please? Henry has Kelsey but I can't take Marisol with me..."

I just looked at her. The little girl was looking at me with such an expectant look that I couldn't bring myself to say no.

"It's just until Henry gets back, he'll watch her then, please?"

"Fine." I sighed, holding out my arms for the child.

"Thank you!" Jane exclaimed, rushing off before I could say anything else.

So much for having a day alone with Logan...

I looked down at the three year old.

"Why is it that I'm always stuck with the kids?" I sighed, walking towards my room. "What do you want to do?" I asked her.

She just looked at me and stuck her thumb in her mouth.

I sighed, sitting down on my couch. Marisol climbed into my lap, sitting with her little legs on either side of my waist and her expectant face looking at me.

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