Chapter 7: A Little Flirting Never Killed Nobody

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Chapter 7

Marley's POV

The more Logan and I talked, the more I fell for him. Every time he smiled, I wanted to smile.

"Hey Marley, guess what." He said once we reached the part of the fence that had already been painted.

"What?" I laughed, raising my eyebrows. "We finished?"

Logan reached out with his paint brush and swiped one stripe down my nose.

I gasped, my eyes widening. I glanced down at my nose, my eyes crossing with the effort.

"You did not just do that!" I gasped, trying not to laugh.

Logan just raised his eyebrows at me, just tempting me to flirt with him.

"Oh it's so on Logan Hamilton." I laughed as I jumped over the fence.

His eyes widened, realizing that I meant business.

"Wait no! No I'm sorry!" Logan exclaimed, dropping the paintbrush as I chased after him.

I grabbed the hose from Michael's hand, ignoring his protests, and ran after Logan.

He let out a yell as I sprayed the freezing cold water against his back.

"Marley!" Logan gasped, spinning around to face me with wide eyes. "What the hell!"

"That's what you get!" I yelled, continuing the stream of ice cold water towards him.

Logan's eyes narrowed at me and he laughed, slowly walking towards me despite the jet against his now see through white shirt.

Holy shit that was hot. I tried not to stare too much as he tried to grab the hose from my hand.

I shrieked, trying to keep it out of his grip while still spraying him and not getting myself soaked.

Logan wrapped his arms around me, still wrestling for the hose.

By the time Michael finally turned off the water, a frown on his face, Logan and I were both soaked, out of breath, and laughing like maniacs.

"Idiots." Michael shook his head. "Go inside and get yourselves some towels." Michael frowned, pulling the hose back towards him and Justin.

I glanced at Logan with a laugh as we walked towards the house.

"What the hell happened to the two of you?" Mark raised his eyebrows as Logan and I walked into the kitchen.

"She attacked me with a hose for no good reason." Logan teased as I walked towards the stairs.

"Shut up! You attacked me with paint first!" I exclaimed, shaking my head.

"Pfft like I'd do that." Logan playfully rolled his eyes, following me up the stairs.

"Idiot." I laughed, glancing back at him.

Logan winked at me as I opened up the linen closet across the hall from the bedrooms.

I handed him a towel before grabbing one for myself.

"You've still got a bit of paint on your face." Logan said, wiping my nose with his towel.

"Thanks." I laughed, noticing that he took a step towards me.

"Still got a little bit more." Logan added softly, using his thumb this time.

And then I took a huge risk, completely going off on a whim, hoping that everything would turn out well.

I stepped forwards and pressed my lips against his.

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