Chapter 14: Finally

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Chapter 14 - new chapter

I closed my eyes as Logan's fingers massaged my head, combing through my hair with gentle carefulness that sent tingles down my spine.

"This is nice." I whispered, stretching my legs out across the couch.

Logan laughed softly, his body shaking as he smoothed out my hair.

"Your hair is so long when it's straight." Logan told me, able to run his fingers through the entire length without hitting a snag.

"It's gross right now, I haven't washed it since homecoming." I grimaced. And that was three days ago.

"It's alright." Logan laughed. "I don't mind."

I opened my eyes to look at him, a smile crossing my face.

"You're pretty cool." I whispered, reaching up to brush my finger across the little bit of stubble on his chin.

Logan took a deep breath, still massaging my head.

"What's on your mind?" I asked softly, folding my hands in my lap.

Logan sighed, frowning slightly.

"It's not important." Logan shook his head. "How was school today?"

"Bullshit. What's on your mind?" I asked again, my face matching his frown.

I sat up straight, turning to face him.

"Spill. Anything on your mind is important." I said seriously, resting my hands on my knees.

Logan grimaced, rubbing the back of his neck.

"So I heard Nicole talking to Ellie and Ashley today..." Logan sighed. "About us."

"Us?" I raised my eyebrows. "Like in front of who?"

"Just with themselves." Logan replied. "Not like, nobody else knows about us don't worry."

I frowned, folding my arms over my chest.

"I was at my locker, they didn't even know I was listening, but basically they were talking about their uh, sexual adventures at homecoming." Logan sighed.

"If you're about to talk about Mark and Nicole, I will throw up on you." I warned him, leaning back slightly.

Logan laughed, shaking his head.

His eyes even crinkled at the sides and he pulled me closer to him.

"No." He whispered. "But Ellie was talking about how you and I hadn't really done anything yet."

"Oh." I whispered.

"Yeah." Logan sighed. "And they were talking about how you weren't too pleased with that."

"Well that's not true." I said defensively, pulling my head back so I could look Logan in the eyes. "And the girls know that."

"Really? Because they made it seem like you were chomping at the bit to get in my pants." Logan said softly, scanning my face.

His hands were on my back, still holding me up, but his arms were trembling.

"And I need to clear the air." Logan whispered. "Because I'm still a virgin."

"Yeah, no worries." I gave him a smile. "I uh, I'm not. But uh... But that doesn't change how I feel about our relationship."

"Yeah?" Logan sighed. "Are you sure?"

"I don't want to rush into anything." I shook my head. "And whenever you're ready, I'm cool with that. But I uh, this summer, I didn't really have the best experience."

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