Chapter 3: The Truth Comes Out

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Chapter 3

"Hey Michael!" I said excitedly, sitting down heavily on his bed.

Michael groaned, rolling over away from me.

"You smell like beer." I announced, laying down next to him. "But I'll cover for you if you help me out with something."

"I regret the day I taught you how to blackmail your siblings." Michael sighed, not turning to face me again. "What can I do for you?"

"I need you to help me with something." I said quietly.

"If it's that damn window, I already told you, I can't risk straining my shoulder on something like that." Michael sighed.

"No I had a rare fit of madness last Sunday night and I woke up like, in a fit or something and I was sweating and angry and I totally hulked out and got it open. It was amazing." I laughed, folding my arms over my chest. "But no, this is more up your alley."

"If you're about to ask me for dating advice I will kick your ass out of this room so hard you'll go through the wall across the hall."

"Ew gross!" I exclaimed. "First of all, I don't need your help. Second of all, I don't want your help."

"You need all the help you can get if you're sixteen years old and you've never been kissed." Michael snorted.

I rolled my eyes.

"Will you just go to the school field with me so I can practice a bit of soccer?" I sighed. "I'm itching to do some sort of exercise but my knee still hurts something fierce when I run."

"What will that entail?"

"Just be a defender for me." I shrugged. "Help me run some simple drills."

"Sure." Michael shrugged. "Get out so I can get dressed. I'll meet you downstairs in ten. The cars here?"

"No... We'll run there." I said happily.

"It's three miles." Michael sighed.

"Excellent. You could use the pick me up." I said happily. "See you downstairs in ten!"


"Why the hell was I cursed with you as a sister?" Michael groaned as he collapsed onto the couch.

"What'd she do now?" Justin laughed, scooting over so Michael could stretch out his legs.

"I made him run. I'm horrible." I giggled, sitting down on the chair adjacent to the couch. "He's fine, we ran to the school and back and he's hungover." I sighed.

"If there comes a Sunday when he's not hungover, that's the day the apocalypse has hit." Justin sighed, shutting his textbook. "Where's everyone else?"

"Wesley's out with a girl and Mark's upstairs with Logan." Michael replied.

"Wesley's with a girl?" I asked, sitting up straight. "Who?!"

"That girl Grace Carter." Michael replied with a shrug. "I dunno, she's in your grade?"

"Yeah... Yeah he asked me about her like last week." I laughed. "So they're like a thing now?"

"I think so. Apparently she's got really bad social anxiety or something so they're trying to take it slow." Michael replied. "Really cute, though."

"He doesn't tell me anything anymore." I frowned. "The only time we see each other is at our movie nights after his football games. And even then he's been ditching me a lot."

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