Chapter 27: Nancy and Joel

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Chapter 27

"Good morning lovelies." Granny Nancy said as we all trooped into her small house on the morning of Christmas Eve. 

I gave her a kiss on the cheek, the first of my siblings to do so. But after my show of affection, everyone jumped to be next to give our grandmother a hug and a kiss. 

Brownie points to me for being the first.

Everybody was dressed in lazy clothing, mostly sweatpants and sweatshirts. 

My hair was in a wet bun, and my face was makeup-less. 

I hadn't talked to Logan yet since we were back in town. Not even a text.

It was radio silence.

"Okay, so we've got two cars. The Jeep can fit five, and my car can fit you and two people, because it's cramped in the back." Alex said to Granny Nancy. "So James and I will drive you in my car, and the rest of them will go in the Jeep." 

"No. No I want the quiet ones with me. Alex, honey, I love you but I want Justin." Granny Nancy shook her head, handing her suitcase to James. The nineteen year old looked appalled at how heavy it was, quickly excusing himself to go out to the car. 

"I'm not letting either of them drive my car." Alex said firmly. 

"Then we'll fit four of us in your car. But I want Justin and James." Granny Nancy shook her head. 

Favorites much?

"Michael you'll be fine driving the whole way yourself?" Alex asked Michael. 

Michael nodded. "I'll be fine." 

"Great then. Let's get on the road." Alex nodded. He'd sort of taken the position of the leader for this little adventure. 

The presents were all in the trunk of his car. All of us had reached the age where we bought presents for all 6 of our siblings plus our dad and our grandma. They were all really cheap gifts, but in our family, it's the thought that counts. 

"Shotgun!" I yelled as we got within sight of the car. 

The other people I was traveling with groaned loudly. 

Mark and Wesley would be stuck in the back while Michael and I got to ride up front.

Mark shoved my shoulder as I climbed into the passenger seat, but I just let out a laugh. 

"You snooze you lose." I grinned, buckling up. 

"I get it next time we stop." Wesley said quickly, claiming it. 

"Screw you." Mark muttered to our brother. 

"Alright let's keep it civil in here shall we?" Michael said, waiting for Alex to pull out of the driveway. 

"And I'll see you guys later." I said as I put my earphones in. 

I pulled my blanket up over my shoulders and leaned against the window, my music playing through my ears. 

I ended up texting Nicole for a while. I knew she was already texting Mark, but I still needed a friend to talk to. Might as well keep her busy with two Ryders.

"They're stopping at a Panera for lunch. Next exit." Wesley was saying as I pulled out my earphones. 

"Panera? Sweet." I grinned, tossing my stuff in the backseat. We stayed true to our word, and I knew that when we got back in the car I'd have to give up my front seat to Wesley.

At Panera, I got a bowl of Broccoli Cheddar soup, my favorite. 

There weren't any tables big enough for all of us so we had to separate. 

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