Chapter 4: Double Standards

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Chapter 4

Logan's POV

"Game day buddy, you ready?" Mark asked happily, falling into step next to me as we walked down the hall.

A grin crossed my face as I felt adrenaline perk up my body.

"Hell yea." I nodded with a laugh.

"So I was thinking..." Mark trailed off.

My eyes rested on Marley Ryder as she laughed at something that her redhead friend said.

Marley's eyes met mine and her cheeks immediately flushed before she leaned towards her friend and whispered something.

A smile crossed my face at how adorable she was. No longer the scrawny, obnoxious little sister I used to see her as...

"Logan? Are you even listening to me?" Mark said, waving his hand in front of my face.

"S-sorry what?" I mumbled, raising my eyebrows.

"Ugh never mind." Mark rolled his eyes.

"He's just in a shitty mood because of Marley." Wesley laughed, appearing on my other side.

"What happened?" I laughed, genuinely curious.

Mark and Marley fought more than any set of siblings I knew.

But to be completely honest, their little squabbles amused me. Mark would always complain about her, but I'd just sort of push the negative things out of my brain.

They were both to blame.

"They got into a fight over the shower at 5:30 this morning." Wesley laughed.

"Typical." I laughed, nudging Mark's shoulder.

Mark just rolled his eyes, still looking disgruntled.

"Wesley!" Marley exclaimed, running up behind us. "I need you to do me a huge favor."

A smile crossed my face involuntarily.

"Anything." Wesley nodded.

Marley squeezed herself in between me and Wes, not even noticing that I was there.

"We're still on for our movie night tonight?" Marley raised her eyebrows at her brother.

"I don't see why not." Wesley shrugged.

"Great, awesome, I'll see you later. Good luck on your game if I don't see you!" Marley called over her shoulder as she ran in the opposite direction.

"Wait what's your favor?!" Wesley called after her.

"Never mind!" Marley called.

"She likes someone." Mark frowned.

"I know." Wesley agreed. "She's acting strange."

"Is it just me or does Marley have a crush?" Michael suddenly said, appearing behind the three of us.

"That's what we think." Wesley nodded, looking extremely thoughtful.

"I'll figure it out before that bastard touches her." Michael said determinedly. "Logan you'll keep an eye out too? I know the two of you have a class together."

I just managed to nod, putting a smile on my face.

"A-absolutely." I nodded. "No one will touch her."

Did they really have to keep her on such short a leash?

"Great, thanks man." Michael smiled, patting my shoulder before walking off to join some of his senior friends.

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