Chapter 19: Finals

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Chapter 19

"We're going to the Bahamas!"

I nearly slipped down the last step of the massive staircase, feeling my heart jump into my throat as I got startled by Jane's outburst at the foot of the stairs.

I felt my brothers run into me from behind, swearing at me for stopping so suddenly.

"Marley." Michael hissed as he slammed right into my back.

"Jesus, Michael." Mark laughed as another jolt came from behind.

"Okay, what is the hold up?" Wesley's voice broke out over the noise.

But then they all registered what Jane had just said and they all fell silent.

"The first week of Christmas break, once you've finished your finals, we're going to the Bahamas!" Jane said enthusiastically, clasping her hands together as if she'd just announced the most exciting thing ever.

It must have been a weird sight. All of us huddled at the bottom of the stairs with a women in a dress suit and her hair all done up talking to blank faces excitedly.

"Like, just us?" Michael asked, the first to talk. "What about dad?"

"Well yes, our family, which is you plus the girls. Your father won't be coming. But we've got an island all to ourselves with a huge house, so you can bring your friends. Marley, I'm sure you can bring those two girls who always hang around here, uh, Nicole and Grace? And Mark you're more than welcome to bring Logan." Jane smiled.

I could feel the smile spreading across my face already.

An entire week in paradise with bikinis and hot bodies and Logan and the girls and a beautiful house.

My eyes suddenly widened.

"Holy shit! Bikini season. It's not bikini season I can't- Oh shit." I exclaimed, my eyes widening.

That made all of the guys laugh as we headed towards the kitchen.

While they piled their plates with the typical amount of food. I put various items from the fridge and freezer in the blender to attempt to make a healthy smoothie.

"Ew why are you drinking that, it's not the spring." Wesley grimaced as I took a sip.

"Because bikini weather." I rolled my eyes.

"Yea get with it Wes." Mark said in a high pitched voice.

"She has to look good for all the guys she won't be getting on the vacation." Michael added in an equally girly voice.

"Oh shut up I can get whatever I guy I want." I rolled my eyes.

"Not on my watch." Michael shook his head.

I stuck my tongue out at him before taking another sip of my smoothie.

"I hate smoothies." I shook my head. "Absolutely hate them."

"Then why the hell are you drinking one?" Mark asked in shock.

"Bikini season!"


"Did Mark tell you?" I asked excitedly, walking up to Logan in the weight room after school.

"What, that his annoying sister was freaking out about bikinis?" Logan smirked. "Because yes, I am very much aware."

I rolled my eyes. "Not about that, you idiot." I laughed. "About the Bahamas. About a week of vacation. About a beach house. About the fact that I'll probably have my own room." I smirked.

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