Chapter 9: Weight Room Mishaps

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Chapter 9

Logan's POV

"This blows." I said to Mark as we started rolling out.

"I hate weight room days." He agreed.

"Is Michael's shoulder okay?" I frowned, watching as he was talking to the trainer with a serious look on his face.

"Yea when James tackled him yesterday he just landed funny. He's fine though, it's just sore as usual." Wesley replied, sitting down next to me on the mats.

"Is he okay?" I frowned.

"Yea he's fine. He complained like a baby all night but he's fine." Wesley nodded, rolling out his calves.

"So who are you asking to homecoming? You do know that it's next week." Mark laughed, raising his eyebrows.

"Uh yea I actually wanted to ask you guys about that..." I said, rolling out my calves as well. "Would you uh, would it be alright if I asked Marley?"

Mark laughed again, nodding his head. "About damn time. I thought she was going to have to ask you."

"Go for it." Wesley nodded. "It'll be good for her to go with a friend who wouldn't try anything."

I just smiled, not wanting to push it. "Absolutely. Friends."

The word sounded weird. Because that was not at all what my intentions were with Marley Ryder.

I fully intended to make Marley my girlfriend soon.

"Speaking of her." Wesley said, pointing towards the stairs.

Marley and her friend Nicole came down the stairs, giggling about something. I felt my face break into a smile at the sight of her leggings and tight tank top.

That's a nice view. Especially on her.

Michael immediately walked over to her, saying something serious.

Marley frowned, looking annoyed.

"Ah he's getting mad at her for wearing leggings in a weight room of boys." Wesley laughed.

"Slut." Mark teased, laughing as well.

Marley rolled her eyes at Michael and walked over to the smaller mat with Nicole.

"She's got to be kidding, wearing such tight pants in here." Michael said bitterly, sitting down behind us with a roller.

"Calm down. She's a 16 year old girl, she's gonna show off what she's got." Justin laughed, shaking his head.

I stayed silent, not particularly wanting to take part in what Marley has 'got' figure wise. Because that's something I could talk about for hours: how gorgeous she is.

Michael didn't participate in the push ups or jumping jacks or anything else that involved arms.

"Alright boys, take a look at this week's schedule." The weight trainer announced once we finished our warm ups.

I was already slightly out of breath and sweaty. Marley and Nicole were on the pull up bar.

I walked over to them with a smile, watching Marley do pull-ups that seemed really easy to her.

I grabbed her around the waist, causing her to gasp and jump down from the bar.

"Logan." She gasped, trying not to laugh.

"What are you doing after this?" I asked happily.

"Absolutely nothing." Marley replied as Nicole jumped up to grab the pull-up bar.

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