Chapter 16: Moving Day

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Chapter 16

"I don't wanna be here!" I yelled from the very back of the car, sitting there on my own amongst boxes and suitcases and random things shoved into nooks and crannies.

"Shut up! We get it!" Mark yelled back, glancing in the rear view mirror at me.

My feet were resting on top of a box labelled 'bathroom'. My knees were bent at an odd angle, adding to my already strong annoyance.

"At least we all get our own rooms." Wesley reasoned, glancing back at me. .

"I don't wanna be here!" I repeated loudly, knowing full well that I was being childish.

"Shut up!" Everybody yelled at me.

Michael, James, Alex, and dad were in the other car with most of our things, but the rest of us took the Jeep.

The only thing that I was happy about was that I would still be able to attend East High.

I'd hate to switch schools in the middle of the year.

"What time is Grace coming later?" I asked Wesley.

"Whenever I call her." Wesley replied.


"Why?" Wesley asked carefully.

I shrugged. I was just trying to figure out when to tell Logan to come over. But he didn't need to know that.

"Thank you, for being nice to her." Wesley said seriously. "I really appreciate that you and Nicole have included her lately."

"Yeah, whatever." I mumbled, my stomach churning as Mark pulled into the driveway.

Thankfully, Jane didn't seem to eager to start bonding immediately.

She showed us where our rooms were, and pretty much left us to get settled in on our own. There was an entire wing dedicated to our bedrooms. All five of us had our own room and there was even a guest room for Alex and James. Although they were heading back to school tomorrow and would be staying at the old house tonight.

I didn't know where Jane's other daughters' rooms were, but I frankly didn't care about the annoying little girls. I hoped to keep as much distance between us as I could.

I nearly gagged when I walked into my room.

"DAD!" I yelled, knowing that he was somewhere in our 'wing'.

"What, Marley?" My dad asked in a bored voice, appearing behind me. "I'm sorry but I've heard enough of your complaining. Take it like the other guys are."

"Oh shit!" Michael let out a laugh, his voice behind me as well. "Does she not know how much you hate pink?"

"I want to go home." I said immediately, my eyes not adjusting to all of the pink. "I can't do this. I don't want to do this. You can't make me!"

My dad just rolled his eyes before following Michael out of the room.

"Grow up, Marley."

I stuck my tongue out at his back before turning to the pink room.

The walls were pink. The curtains on the french doors leading to the balcony were pink. The pillow cases were pink. The duvet was pink. The sheets were pink. Everything was frilly and pink.

Other than the color, it was a cool room. It had a balcony, big windows, a huge four poster bed, a desk, a massive bookshelf, and by the look of it, a walk in closet and my own bathroom.

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