Fate ShiMayu (Sousei No Onmyouji)

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Shimon and Mayura

I mean Wow This Ship is so cute i ship them since Episode 27!!

Wow i never expect that they have the same goals and same reaction when they were young (well except for the sentence but who cares) even thought Shimon also admitted that It may be Fate that brought Him (them) there *fangirling*

Well i watch the episode 27, 3 times and his smile tho (>0<) Seigen is still keeping an eye on those two will he accept them (if they become CANNON! erase the IF)

ShiMayu Scenes (EPISODES)

1. Episode 27 (Top 1)

2. Episode 36

3. Episode 35

4. Episode 34

5. Episode 37 [Spoiler Alert:] (small jealousy from Mayura to TWIN STARS and she is so frustrated just because Shimon didnt ate dinner XD kinako also said this (except jealous))

6. IDK

What Do You Think will they end up together (>v<) (if you dont know this anime try watching it!)

And what will Yukari and Seigen's Reaction (if they end up together erase the IF!!)


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