She's Mine Final Part (Sousei No Onmyouji | ShiMayu)

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I posted the picture here and on the media xD *sighs* i really luv them

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I posted the picture here and on the media xD *sighs* i really luv them.

(3rd person)

'I knew i should've come along with Chiiko!' Shimon thought regretfully cause this is what happened:


"Nii sama! Join us!" Sayo grinned while Mayura is just standing there and sighed.

"Why cant you just ask kei-" Shimon said until Keiji san cut him off.

"Nii san, NII. SAN! N. I. I. S. A. N!" Keiji san spelled the word.

"Why cant you just ask Nii san" Shimon asked.

"Well he's busy" Sayo pouted.

"Why is he busy when he's standing beside me?" Shimon said as he looked beside him but keiji is gone.

"Beside you? Ok~" Sayo said and eye rolled.

"Nii sama, you know whats going to happened if your not coming with me" Sayo stuck her tongue out.

"Fine!" Shimon sighed as he walked to his room to get change.

"Hey Sister in law" Sayo said.

"Please stop calling me tha-" Mayura said but Sayo cut her off.

"Nii Sama likes someone" Sayo smirked.

"Really? Who?" Mayura said curiously.

"You'll know about it later" Sayo grinned.


"Just confess to her already!" Keiji san whisper yelled at Shimon who is just about to go outside with the two that is Sayo and Mayura.

"What are you talking about" Shimon raised his right eyebrow meaning he's confused.

"Confess to Sister in Law!" Keiji san grinned making Shimon facepalmed.

"Not you too" Shimom said and face palmed.

"Nii sama! Cmon!" Sayo yelled.


Shimon, Mayura, and Sayo are going out for a walk, until Sayo's plan is taking action.

'Its time for my plan!' Sayo thought and took her phone from her pocket.

"Nii sama, Mayura san, I'm just going to call Nii san, can you stop for a bit!" Sayo said and Shimon sighed.

-calling Nii san-

Keiji: hello?

Sayo: Nii san! Its time!

Keiji: time for what?

Sayo: time for the yknow!

Keiji: oh! Ok! I'll call Rokuro and Benio.


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