TenMayu (what do you think about this ship??)

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TenMayu (the picture tho.....its bothering me...)
.I do not own the pictures....

It gives me chills when I type that ship.....

I even get upset when my friend said this ship...isk why but there's one reason....


I'm not being rude to the other people who ship this I'm just telling my thoughts on this ship.

What do you think about this ship??

I think its impossible XD.

ShiMayu for life!! 🐥🐯

Nice Emoji xD


Again T-T-TenMayu....what do you think in this ship...

I think its.....I don't know...

Stupid as ever..

..(no offense to TenMayu fans)

Its just that.....

ShiMayu is much better than *shivers* TenMayu.

Wow 3 times a row of the word ShiMayu.

No make that 4 XD

Any Opinion on this ship??

Plus UNOMIYAyuna thanks for bringing this idea!

I think this is 100% shimon's reaction:

I think this is 100% shimon's reaction:

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Really TenMayu is really bothering me....

Till next time~


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