😨😨😧 (O_O)

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Ok guys lemme just tell u a story about....

Title: My first Horror Game

Yeah...lets start


I was bored and i got nothing to do...lazy to make a chappie and time is....ifdk 3:30 PM? Ye maybe.

And there my cute lil naughty bro (Bro: IM NOT CUTE!) Playing idk Playstation? Meh and i got bored and he got bored and askes me to take over the controller and i was bored so ye i took over the controller and his game is BOOORRRIING and since my bro is bored and asked me to take over the remote...its my turn to play cause i got the controller >:3...{until i regretted it}

And there i took the CD out of the playbox thingy (if thats what they call it) and all of the games are Booring until something catches my eye...

A CD that is color Black and white and a Girl screaming on the background.

"This seems interesting~" i said and a flashback occured of me reading the cover of the CD and the story is:

A Daughter and Father bonding. They were just about to go to the place where they should hang out together and it was night time and the girl sleeping inside the car and suddenly a girl was in the middle of the road so...u know what happened next. They crashed and when the father woke up, her daughter is missing and the body of the girl is gone cause-


And so the father walked and walked until he arrived on a town called "Silent Hill". Its a ghost town..not a ghost ghost town. And he walked and shouted "HELLO?" "IS ANYONE IN HERE?" and no one answered until he saw his daughter and walked towards her.

"Cheryl?" Her father said and the girl who is Cheryl didn't answer..all she did was walk away and her father chased after her until he was at a alley?

And walked and walked until it was scary and scary.

(Yes i was controlling the father i was playing this)

And then a body was there and i walked towards it until he choked and my reaction.

"0_0 what the heck"

I mean how can he choke on the dead body..sure it stinks but wat the heck.

And there he woke up and he said it was a dream and a police woman is guarding him.

"Your finally awake" the police woman said and the father said "it was just a dream?"

Bold police woman

Italic father

So can explain whats happening here?

Nevermind it was just a dream

And hey have u seen a little girl like 6-7 years old

No ur the only one who ive seen in this city and i forgot to introduce myself im (name) piloce officer of the neighboring town.

Psst i forgot her name

Nice to meet you officer, and i have to get going *stands up*

Wait u cant go out there, its dangerous

Well my little girl is outside trying to survive! What am i going to do? Sit around here like i didnt care about her?!

*sigh* do you have a gun?

~Random Sousei no Onmyouji~with One Shots. Need Some Volunteers For Ideas!Where stories live. Discover now