My Drawing

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Hello this is my drawing anyways its my idea XD is it good?

*I dont own Sousei No Onmyouji*

Anyway if you cant read it here

-Remember episode 33? On anime?-


The Two (mayura and shimon) are just talking and....

After Haruka said that "those two are very close" this happened XD

Ryogo: Why is Seigen san so upset?

Seigen: •Death Glares at the two•

Mayura thought: Here we go Again and why is he so upset at us?

Shimon thought: Seigen san is really angry and what did i do?


My drawing of Seigen needs a little work 😅 and color um maybe next time....Seigen's face and hair tho 😂

Hows my Drawing?

What should i draw next??

See you all Later minna!!

~Random Sousei no Onmyouji~with One Shots. Need Some Volunteers For Ideas!Where stories live. Discover now