
123 2 76

Time 10:10 AM

No make that 10:11

So bored....

And an interview is coming up......

And I just missed watching my other fav anime (this art club has a problem)

And a busy day

Going home cause we just stayed there for 4-5 dayz

Im writing this on a cafe with wifi

My anime T_T

I really miss watching SNO even tho the manga is much better

I cant draw

Im too bored

And projects

And updates

Oh wait ye ill update sooner or later

I meed to edit it again cause yonow why


Anime T_T

Wish it was snowing so that i could throw a snowball on my enemy's face and run.

Hah~ if only

Oohh lemme ask u one thing if u could guess it

Im not gonna answer it tho imm just asking u xD

How old am i?

Thats all cause its boring.....wish i was home now ans gtg cmon publish thos chappie!!!!! Oh wait i didnt pressed it....and gonna press it now.

~Random Sousei no Onmyouji~with One Shots. Need Some Volunteers For Ideas!Where stories live. Discover now