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That feeling....

When you finished the anime and you told yourself to stop cause its freaking 10:30 PM.

Me: I need sleep...Mom is gonna kill me if i dont.

Brain: Theres a second season!


Me: Just one more.

Brain: Yas!

(Finished season 2 and its 11:00 PM)

Me: Sleep time.

Brain: No

Me: Why.

Brain: repeat the anime.

Me: no

Brain: youll lose your OTP.

Me: No

Brain: you missed an episode where your OTP kissed?


Mom: ill go check them *opens door*

Me: crap *goes to sleep pretending*

Mom: shes sleeping *closes door*

Me: where was i??

Brain: Anime??

Me: Yeah!

Lil sister: Sis your awake?

Me: Yea why?

Lil sister: mom would be so angry.

Me: your ship has cannon.

Lil sis: can i join you?

Me: Yas!

Brain: ANIME.

(Me: *trap in a world of reality*)


~Random Sousei no Onmyouji~with One Shots. Need Some Volunteers For Ideas!Where stories live. Discover now