Memories On School xD

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Just wrote this chappie cuz...

Story time...

Ok Math is Boring and History cuz...well idk

And my Classmate named "Daniel" started laughing like crazy and worse he is behind me so i just stared at him like hes a crazy guy. He didnt mind until one of his Best friends laughed along and so are the others until all the boys are laughing.

"WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING?!" I whisper shouted.

"Ahahahahha" They all laughed and we girls walked out the classroom with the teacher and we studied in a library.

After we finished our lesson...the classroom is a mess. They tried to clean it as fast as they can and good thing i have my phone...



Another one:

My classmate pranked me and its still Daniel and i got pissed off cuz he always pranked me

I dont know why.

But my best friend said.

"Maybe because he likes you~" she playfully teased me and i just glared at her. Shes not a big help.

Until i thought of a revenge for Daniel and i just remembered one of his fears, he told me when were close on idk the 5th grade and his worst fear is a clown...

Happy Halloween!  

Ye its Halloween and yay a Haunted house was built and im part of it.....again.

I teased him.

"Daniel is a scaredy cat~" i laughed with my best friend and he defended himself.


"prove it by going in the haunted house!" I yelled at him and smirked.

"Ha! Nothing scares me!" He said bravely until i laughed.

"Prove it"

And there he went on the entrance and i started a gossip :3.

"Hey (B/F/N) i heard there are clowns inside the Haunted house this year" i gossiped and she played along.

"Your right there is!" And Daniel suddenly stopped entering the Haunted House.


"Yeah! And oh look a clown!" Its true there is a clown cuz someone had a birthday party 20 mins ago?

"Heh like i would believe you!"



And there me and my best friend spying on him and his best friend (yeah his best friend came too) and i signalled my other friend who has a clown suit with a bloody knife with birthday balloons to go scare him and he nodded.

"Happy Birthday to you~"

"What was that!" He yelled

"Happy Birthday to you~"


And there the clown chasing him and i took a pic of his face and his best friend laughed.


And another:

There is this pageant on school and one of the seniors joined in and guess what...

Its a Boy xD

He dressed up like a girl with messy lipstick and messy eyeliner, he even used the eye liner for his so called 'Whiskers'.

I almost fainted because of laughing.



Last one:

We moved our chairs, and gathered around cuz we are going to tell a scary story.

Whos first?


I dont even know how to make a scary story so heres what ive got so far...and wow i remembered it all...

Scary Story

Title: idk

There was this girl with a teddy bear, she was found on a abandoned House crying and she moved in to another family until an accident occurred.

Her Mom and Dad were dead because there was this speeding car with a drunk driver.

The drunk driver is dead and all that is alive is the girl.

They're in a town with no one in sight just her, her parents, and the driver.

Many years later she was adopted again and went to school. She was being bullied and always gets beaten up.

Her last words are "ill kill you all"

She went inside a classroom at 2:00 PM and killed herself with a pair of scissors. Why scissors? Cuz thats the only thing she found inside the school.

Many years later a new school replaced this old school and some said that the girl wants revenge on all those students.

she wants to kill all of those students who will study in that school and that school is...

(School name)

The end

And all my classmates laughed some of them were staring at space and some of them said.

"Its just a story!"

"Ye it is!"

And it gets scarier cause my lil sis is visiting with Mom and i asked her to say some creepy things.

"Oh and i forgot to tell you!" I said

"What?" They all said.

"Its 2:00 PM and if u see a lil girl with a teddy" I said

"Ye right" some of them said.

"Oh look at the time its time to go-"

"Ill kill you all~" My sis sid and echoed through the Hallways.

"Who said that!" They yelled i can't hold my laughter and i saw some paint.

While they were at the hallway i took a piece of paper and ripped it into pieces and colored them red and arrange them for this word.



They yelled and yelled i just laughed.

Even tho the story isnt scary.

And they said that they saw a lil girl with a teddy bear with blood at the hallway.

XD my sis painted her drawing and i cant believe she still didnt washed her hands.

Still tho the story is not it?

~Random Sousei no Onmyouji~with One Shots. Need Some Volunteers For Ideas!Where stories live. Discover now