She's Mine Part 1 (Shimayu oneshot)

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(This is dedicated to kazumi213 and smakshi
Hope you like it!)

(Shimon's POV) :February 14:

"Ikaruga san, can you please accept my feelings!" Mayuras classmate maybe bowed down to me


"Oh, please!" She tried to look cute

"No and I don't even like you" I answered she was shocked and ran away.

"Cold as usual huh shimon?" Enmadou said

"I'm just being honest and why would I lie I'm not a player yknow" I glared

"Oh did you know that someone has a birthday today?" Enmadou said


"Sheesh! You two are very close and you didn't even know its her birthday?!" Enmadou looked angrily at me

"Its Mayura's Birthday you dolt!" He yelled at me and yeah today is Mayura's birthday

"I know its her birthday I thought it was someone else" i said

"Oh? Who told you?" He smirked

"Seigen san told me " I answered

" better hurry up cause if your late she would be with someone else" he said suddenly

"Why'd you suddenly said that"

"Someone's trying to ask her on a date duh..." He said and wait someone's asking her to a date?

"How'd you know?"

"I saw it and looks like shes gonna answer....'yes' " he smirked making my blood boil

"Ooh looks like someones jealou-"
I covered his mouth

"Shut it" I gave him a death glare

"Shimon? Rokuro?! What are you two doing?!" Mayura said running towards us


"I told him that someone is asking you ou-mpphhh" I covered his mouth again

"Roku? Can we talk for a minute?" She grabbed him by his arm, ran and I can't hear them but she's yelling at him for some reason idk and then came back

"I'll be going now" Enmadou said touching his face with a bandage

"What did rokuro told you again?" She smiled


"Nii san! Roku told me your jealous at someone" Chiiko smirked. That Idiot I'm sure he's gonna get it when we see each other again

"No I'm not jealous"

"Nii san Nii san always like that when it comes to this.." what?

"U know you and Mayura san are getting much closer" Keiji san said popping out of nowhere.

"Yea I agree! Maybe your jealous because you like her And Its Valentines Day!" Chiiko grinned


(Mayura's POV)

Im so bored! Maybe i should go out for a walk. I fixed myself up ready to go.

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